I can't really test this right now because geo services are currently
disabled, but does this mean that the geo/reverse_geocode and geo/
search api methods both return "places" in addition to neighborhoods
and cities now? I understand they are all technically "places" but I
mean business entities alongside neighborhoods and cities. Are they
all mixed together now? If so, is there a way to get either business
listings *or* geographic regions?

I understand you guys now own GeoAPI so you're probably coming from a
similar point of view and I realize that their entities are nested, as
in a business is contained within some geographic region, yet both are
considered entities.

Anyhow, as you said, the documentation is kind of light for geo/search
so I'm just a bit confused as to the data that's actually returned.
Unfortunately, the application and service I work on has been using
geo/reverse_geocode for a while now to attach cities (specifically
cities) to tweets that run through our service and we've been planning
to submit our app to Apple tomorrow.

Thank you very much, in advance.

On Jun 14, 7:43 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> Hi Developers,
> Today we're launching some of the functionality around "Places" that we
> announced at Chirp. You can read more about the feature 
> here:http://blog.twitter.com/2010/06/twitter-places-more-context-for-your....
> The launch comes with a batch of API enhancements, with a number of further
> API additions just around the corner (like creating and updating places,
> obviously a crucial component for many implementors).
> The documentation in this area is a honestly a bit light at the moment, but
> we'll be offering some more comprehensive documentation going over suggested
> use cases, flows, and more in the coming days.
> What matters most for you:
>   - GET geo/nearby_places is now GET geo/search, with some added
> functionality. This is a companion to GET geo/reverse_geocode, that's ideal
> for using in conjunction with a place selection UI.
>     Read all about it at :http://bit.ly/dvNmYB
>     - A query parameter called "query" lets you do textual matching when
> trying to find a place
>     - A query parameter called "ip" lets you do a lookup based on an IP
> address
>     - You can fine tune results with granularity, accuracy, and the
> contained_within parameter, which allows you to identify a place_id
> (matching something like a city), and only search for places within that
> place.
>   - <place> tags in XML output, "place" attribute in JSON output:
> Tweets that have a place_id associated with them can now contain some
> additional information not available in the past, including some attributes
> that further describe the location.
> Some common place/attributes you might start seeing:
>   - name
>   - street_address
>   - locality
>   - region
>   - phone
>   - postal_code
>   - twitter (a twitter account associated with the place)
>   - cross_streets
> Attribute key names can be variant. These are just some of the attribute
> keys you will see, with much more to come.
>     Here's a quick XML representation of a status with a place:
>     <status>
>       <created_at>Mon Jun 14 23:30:14 +0000 2010</created_at>
>       <id>16184038366</id>
>       <text>I'm testing out places integrations. Can you hear me Planet
> Houston? I'm at the Epicenter. (psyche)</text>
>       <source>web</source>
>       <truncated>false</truncated>
>       <in_reply_to_status_id></in_reply_to_status_id>
>       <in_reply_to_user_id></in_reply_to_user_id>
>       <favorited>false</favorited>
>       <in_reply_to_screen_name></in_reply_to_screen_name>
>       <user>
>         <id>819797</id>
>         <name>Taylor Singletary</name>
>         <screen_name>episod</screen_name>
>         <location>iPhone: 37.778181,-122.397971</location>
>         <description>Reality Technician, Developer Advocate at Twitter,
> displeased at Planet Houston</description>
> <profile_image_url>http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/989643540/zod_normal.jpg
> </profile_image_url>
>         <url>http://bit.ly/5w7P88</url>
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>         <time_zone>Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)</time_zone>
> <profile_background_image_url>http://a3.twimg.com/profile_background_images/19651315/fiberoptics.jpg
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>         <profile_background_tile>true</profile_background_tile>
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>         <statuses_count>6477</statuses_count>
>         <lang>en</lang>
>         <contributors_enabled>false</contributors_enabled>
>       </user>
>       <geo/>
>       <coordinates/>
>       <place xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss";>
>         <id>a851ec943d3a27c5</id>
>         <name>Epicenter Cafe</name>
>         <full_name>Epicenter Cafe, San Francisco</full_name>
>         <place_type>poi</place_type>
>         <url>http://api.twitter.com/1/geo/id/a851ec943d3a27c5.json</url>
>         <attributes>
>           <attribute>
>             <key>street_address</key>
>             <value>764 Harrison St</value>
>           </attribute>
>         </attributes>
>         <bounding_box>
>           <georss:polygon>37.781343 -122.399142 37.781343 -122.399142
> 37.781343 -122.399142 37.781343 -122.399142</georss:polygon>
>         </bounding_box>
>         <country code="US">The United States of America</country>
>       </place>
>       <contributors/>
>       <annotations/>
>     </status>
>     And here's the JSON representation:
>     {
>         "in_reply_to_user_id": null,
>         "geo": null,
>         "source": "web",
>         "created_at": "Mon Jun 14 23:30:14 +0000 2010",
>         "place": {
>             "place_type": "poi",
>             "country_code": "US",
>             "attributes": {
>                 "street_address": "764 Harrison St"
>             },
>             "country": "The United States of America",
>             "full_name": "Epicenter Cafe, San Francisco",
>             "url": "http://api.twitter.com/1/geo/id/a851ec943d3a27c5.json";,
>             "name": "Epicenter Cafe",
>             "id": "a851ec943d3a27c5",
>             "bounding_box": {
>                 "type": "Polygon",
>                 "coordinates": [[[ - 122.399142, 37.781343], [ - 122.399142,
> 37.781343], [ - 122.399142, 37.781343], [ - 122.399142, 37.781343]]]
>             }
>         },
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> "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_background_images/19651315/fiberoptics.jpg";,
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> "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/989643540/zod_normal.jpg";,
>             "description": "Reality Technician, Developer Advocate at
> Twitter, displeased at Planet Houston",
>             "lang": "en",
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>         "in_reply_to_status_id": null,
>         "coordinates": null,
>         "id": 16184038366,
>         "contributors": null,
>         "text": "I'm testing out places integrations. Can you hear me Planet
> Houston? I'm at the Epicenter. (psyche)"
>     },
> Stay tuned for more information in the coming days and weeks on how to
> create places, more about how attributes about places work, and much more!
> Thanks,
> Taylor

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