Quoting Neuromaster <neuromas...@gmail.com>:


Twitter is really a great tool for sharing and acquiring information.
Lately more and more people are starting to use it.  That’s good news
because it becomes a trustable medium for information exchange. But,
paradoxically, it is bad news as well. While the number of users is
significantly increasing so is the number of possible candidates
(users) to follow.

Empirical proof might help in understanding the problem:

Suppose the user X is following 1000 users (which is not a rare
Suppose those users post in average 5 tweets/ day (again, a situation
not hard to accept)
User X is busy, but every morning for a limited period of time reads
the tweets of his friends.
That is ~5000 tweets. He chooses to skim through them and if something
good pops up he’ll pay more attention to it.

At this moment the web site it’s not designed for this kind of
interaction.  Pushing the “More” button it’s just not so practical.
One may think that the API comes to rescue, but actually it
doesn’t.While it comes with some features, those are limited

The API is well suited for lightweight and mobile application where
the latest news is important. But for application that want to offer
some digging tools the API doesn’t offer much help. In the example
scenario the number of tweets accumulated in one day was ~5000 while
the limitation for the  /statuses/home_timeline is ( at least in the
documentation) 3200. The problem here is that this limitation was ok
in the past, but now when more and more users are interacting through
tweeter this limitation becomes a real bottleneck.

From what I’ve understood the reason for this behavior is server
overloading. The servers can’t handle this amount of data.

The question:
Is there a way to grant access to more data for developers? If not
directly at least through some kind of request (like in the case of
Rate Limiting)


This sounds like a perfect use case for User Streams? Are you a developer, or just trying to find out what's possible?

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