The time format is a little weird and as far as I know, doesn't match
any RFC. Instead it matches the ruby default and is represented in
tokens by:
  %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y

The format has been like this since the API was first released which
means, for backwards compatibility with other applications, we can't
easily change it with this version of the API.

I hope that explains the why it is still in the format it is.
Hopefully you can use the token string above to parse the date using
the time parsing functions of your chosen language.


On Jun 21, 12:40 pm, Peter Cross <> wrote:
> This date is from a call 
> to
> <created_at>Mon Jun 21 19:06:21 +0000 2010</created_at>
> <begin rant>
> I've never seen the year come after the time... in any standard date
> format.  It's as if someone thought "Hmmm... how can we make this date
> format more difficult to work with?".  Why, why why?  Now I have to
> write a special handler for this one exception.  It's sloppy.
> </end rant>
> This isn't an XML standard date format either.
> -ZPC

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