Hi Taylor, i have fixed this, the problem wasnt on hmac-sha1 and
base64 encoding, on my ajax call with jquery something wrong happened,
i have changed it to HttpRequest of firefox component and it works. My
app is an addon for firefox and its client side (javascript and xul).
I know its not secure having there the consumer secret but i dont have
another way to do it.
I get access token right, but now i have another problem, i dont know
exactly what parameters i must add for a call, for example calling
friends timeline, i have seen tutorials about xauth but i get this
response "could not authenticate with oauth".
Sorry of my english.

Thanks, Nadia

On Jun 24, 5:58 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> Hi there,
> Are you still having this issue?
> In the past when I've seen other developers having issues accomplishing this
> in Javascript, it's come down to an issue in the library used for HMAC-SHA1
> and Base64 encoding. While it works in most conditions, there are apparently
> some edge cases where it does the wrong thing. I generally don't advocate
> using Javascript and OAuth together for a variety of reasons. Have you tried
> tracing the request to see exactly the HTTP request being sent to the
> server?
> Are you writing a browser extension or WebOS app? If the former, how are you
> keeping your consumer secret at least somewhat secured?
> Have you tried other requests using an access token obtained through other
> means?
> Taylor
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:25 AM, ntortarolo <ntortar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, i have problem requesting an access_token, i think my source is
> > right, i dont know where is the problem, i have maken some test with
> > base_string,  oauth_consumer_key and oauth_consumer_secret shown on
> >http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauthand i get the same oauth_signature
> > shown there so i think problem is not there when i use the real
> > base_string, my oauth_consumer_key and oauth_consumer_secret.
> >        My source is this, i hope someone can help me (to preserve my secret
> > and key i will put the same as the ones used on
> >http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauth)
> >        xauth: function xauth()
> >        {
> >         var username = encodeURIComponent("aaaa"),
> >             password = encodeURIComponent("bbbb"),
> >             url= "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";,
> >             key = "sGNxxnqgZRHUt6NunK3uw",
> >             timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(),
> >             nonce = Math.random();
> >        var access_token = "oauth_consumer_key=" + key +
> >        "&oauth_nonce=" + nonce +
> >        "&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1" +
> >        "&oauth_timestamp=" + timestamp +
> >        "&oauth_version=1.0" +
> >        "&x_auth_mode=client_auth" +
> >        "&x_auth_password=" + password +
> >        "&x_auth_username=" + username;
> >        var base_string = "POST&" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&" +
> > encodeURIComponent(access_token);
> >        var oauth_signature =
> > b64_hmac_sha1("5kEQypKe7lFHnufLtsocB1vAzO07xLFgp2Pc4sp2vk&",
> > base_string);
> >        oauth_signature = encodeURIComponent(oauth_signature+"=");
> >        var auth_header = 'OAuth oauth_nonce="' + nonce + '"' +
> >        ', oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1"' +
> >        ', oauth_timestamp="' + timestamp + '"' +
> >        ', oauth_consumer_key="' + key + '"' +
> >        ', oauth_signature="' + oauth_signature + '"' +
> >        ', oauth_version="1.0"';
> >        $.ajax({
> >             url:url,
> >             method: "POST",
> >             data: {
> >                     x_auth_username: username,
> >                     x_auth_password: password,
> >                     x_auth_mode: "client_auth"
> >             },
> >             beforeSend: function(xhr){
> >                     xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", auth_header);
> >             },
> >             success: function(data){
> >                     alert(data);
> >             },
> >             error: function(xhr){
> >                     alert(xhr.responseText);
> >             }
> >        }) ;
> >        * What language or library are you using? What versions?
> >          i'm using it on javascript
> >        * What oauth application is this for?
> >        http://twitter.com/apps/edit/181924

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