Hi Daniel,

I've tested this a couple of times on my accounts and it is working
correctly. Rather than the PHP object can you instead show the actual
XML/JSON response you get back.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:19 AM, meto <deeme...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm having problems with submitting my geo-location with a status.
> I'm using the twitteroauth (PHP, by abraham on github) which works
> pretty fine. My call looks like this
> $parameters = array(
>        'status'                                        => 'This is a call',
>        'lat'                                           => "37.78",
>        'long'                                          => "-122.40",
>        'display_coordinates'   => 1,
> );
> $status = $connection->post('statuses/update', $parameters);
> The status is being submitted, though the result doesn't contain any
> geodata.
> It looks like this:
> Object
> (
>    [coordinates] =>
>    [in_reply_to_screen_name] =>
>    [truncated] =>
>    [source] => My Test App
>    [created_at] => Mon Jul 05 14:51:37 +0000 2010
>    [geo] =>
>    [in_reply_to_status_id] =>
>    [contributors] =>
>    [user] => stdClass Object
>        (
>            [favourites_count] => 0
>            [description] =>
>            [location] => Berlin
>            [verified] =>
>            [profile_text_color] => 000000
>            [time_zone] => Greenland
>            [profile_link_color] => 0000ff
>            [lang] => de
>            [profile_background_image_url] =>
> http://s.twimg.com/a/1278188204/images/themes/theme1/bg.png
>            [created_at] => Tue May 11 13:36:19 +0000 2010
>            [profile_sidebar_fill_color] => e0ff92
>            [notifications] =>
>            [profile_background_tile] =>
>            [profile_image_url] =>
> http://s.twimg.com/a/1278188204/images/default_profile_3_normal.png
>            [statuses_count] => 20
>            [following] =>
>            [profile_sidebar_border_color] => 87bc44
>            [protected] =>
>            [profile_use_background_image] => 1
>            [followers_count] => 0
>            [screen_name] => MyTestAccount
>            [name] => Well this is a Test
>            [contributors_enabled] =>
>            [friends_count] => 0
>            [url] =>
>            [id] => 1234567890
>            [geo_enabled] => 1
>            [utc_offset] => -10800
>            [profile_background_color] => fff
>        )
>    [in_reply_to_user_id] =>
>    [place] =>
>    [favorited] =>
>    [id] => 1234567890
>    [text] => This is a call
> )
> As you can see "geo_enabled" is true, coordinates and geo are empty.
> So my lat and long parameters are ignored.
> Also with a place_id it doesn't work.
> This is definitely not a problem with twitteroauth.
> I tested with the old API, which is still available.
> curl -u {USER}:{PASSWORD} -d "status=This is a
> call&lat=51.52362&long=12.38064"
> https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.xml
> Which results in the same result. This exact same call worked back on
> may 11th, when I took my first steps with the Twitter API.
> Can anyone pls point me in the right direction? Is this working at all
> at the moment or is it just disabled?
> Kind regards,
> Daniel


Matt Harris
Developer Advocate, Twitter

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