It might be a good idea to be able to use this REST client for all
commands as a test benchmark for Twitter API calls(just a thought)...
(I have not tested much on this yet, I am just looking at it)...


On Jul 8, 1:22 pm, Jacky <> wrote:
> Instead I launched it through a browser and I am all ok.
> (P.S. Incidental, but,  on my previous post I made a typo in the post,
> i.e.,not the very first string, but the second string and it already
> has the Oauth in front already and that is the string)
> Thanks though,
> Regards,
> Shob
> On Jul 7, 8:07 am, Matt Harris <> wrote:
> > Hi Shob,
> > We strongly recommend you use a library for handling OAuth with Twitter
> > until you are comfortable with how OAuth works. For VB I know of at least
> > one library called TwitterVB:
> > This will do the OAuth heavy lifting for you so you can develop an
> > application for use with Twitter quickly. If you then want to roll your own
> > solution you could use the TwitterVB library to compare to the results you
> > are getting from your function.
> > Hope that helps,
> > Matt
> > On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Jacky <> wrote:
> > > Hullo,
> > > POST&
> > > %2Frequest_token&oauth_callback%3Doob%26oauth_consumer_key
> > > %3DhUMUUZO3Zx9zNzJ9DghcA%26oauth_nonce
> > > %3DDA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709%26oauth_signature_method
> > > %3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1277424969%26oauth_version%3D1.0
> > > and
> > > Oauth oauth_callback="oob",
> > > oauth_consumer_key="hUMUUZO3Zx9zNzJ9DghcA",
> > > oauth_nonce="DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709",
> > > oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1277424969",
> > > oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="%2Ff8P1dS6QVQnYCIc10kD1%2Bm2DkI
> > > %3D"
> > > using
> > >  objhttp.Open "POST", "";,
> > > False
> > >  objhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-
> > > urlencoded"
> > >      objhttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", strsend
> > > objhttp.send("")
> > > Not working, how can I see the stream that is being loaded...or debug
> > > this...
> > > and strsend is "Oauth " and appended by the very first string up on
> > > top in this email
> > > Cant see the problem...
> > > Please help, if you can see anything outright off or wrong...
> > > Regards,
> > > Shob
> > --
> > Matt Harris
> > Developer Advocate, Twitter

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