Are you doing this in PseudoCode?

base = "method&URLEncode(endpoint)&URLEncode(URLParameterString)"
where URLParameterString =

On Jul 17, 11:01 am, CeBeans <> wrote:
> Im developing a DLL in eVC++3.0 (native C++) that uses the Twitter
> oAuth to update a status and have searched the web and support
> websites for over a week but still cant figure the signature problem
> out.
> ====================================================================
> NOTE: I have deleted the app in this example so Its safe to give out
> the correct codes.  This way I can get a better response from support.
> ====================================================================
> The DLL is a simple call to update a users status: status=h (to get
> this thing started)
> My DELETED App Info:
> ConsumerKey,"x80ZNISjmQ0Lxufp0QVM6w"
> ConsumerSecret,"AHumtKUplfkqJVVy0VtbjoMROMU1SoVbCI8aIubu2Nc"
> Token,"63573892-Y5GT47cl6ixaRKTaK5TpDg9N9D6g5Wqy718pIydjK"
> TokenSecret,"6lRq2U4UoO3pv1Z0odU4lxhXvc3zlwJdOuyViQx44"
> Signature Base:
> %2Fupdate.xml&oauth_consumer_key%3Dx80ZNISjmQ0Lxufp0QVM6w%26oauth_nonce
> %3D40649761710562010000%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-
> SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1279378609%26oauth_token%3D63573892-
> Y5GT47cl6ixaRKTaK5TpDg9N9D6g5Wqy718pIydjK%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0%26status%3Dh
> Signature Key to Sign with:
> AHumtKUplfkqJVVy0VtbjoMROMU1SoVbCI8aIubu2Nc&6lRq2U4UoO3pv1Z0odU4lxhXvc3zlwJdOuyViQx44
> http Header:
> =============
> Authorization: OAuth oauth_nonce="40649761710562010000",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1279378609",
> oauth_consumer_key="x80ZNISjmQ0Lxufp0QVM6w", oauth_token="63573892-
> Y5GT47cl6ixaRKTaK5TpDg9N9D6g5Wqy718pIydjK",
> oauth_signature="ZztcjuTr1oxmVpQPAltfxiUEwEw%3D", oauth_version="1.0"
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Host:
> Content-Length: 10
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> Http Footer
> =============
> status%3Dh
> Server Response
> ==============
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <hash>
>   <request>/1/statuses/update.xml</request>
>   <error>Incorrect signature</error>
> </hash>
> I also tried the HTTPS in the signature base, and still the same
> error.  NOTE: The DLL calls
> Vincent Collura
> CeBeans

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