Unfortunately, there isn't a single API method that allows this.

>From the FAQ: http://dev.twitter.com/pages/api_faq#replies

Q: How do I get all replies to a particular status?
A: For now, there's not a great way to do this. We've heard the
requests, though, and we'll be providing a solution for it before too

On Jul 21, 8:15 am, arian <arianpasqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi guys,
> I need monitor replies from certain status.
> I would like to use search api, but according to search api doc it's
> impossible.
> I only ask you to know for sure.
> for example, I would like to be able ask for search api for replies
> from a status providing in_reply_to_status_id value.
> the only way I found is to ask for user timeline and check manually
> the in_reply_to_status_id attribute.
> is it the better way?
> tks in advance
> Arian

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