Is twitterapime the only OAuth lib for BB?

Anyone is able to use Twitter4J / SignOAuth in BB J2ME?

On Aug 7, 5:13 am, David Francisco Tavárez <>
> Why don't you use twitterapime?
> 2010/8/7, BBTweet Media Player <>:
> > BB is J2ME but has some quirks that did not allow me to use the
> > library I tired.  I am just handling the twitter communication on my
> > own.
> > On Aug 7, 1:01 am, Bess <> wrote:
> >> You need Twitter to approve before you can use xAuth. xAuth is
> >> different than OAuth.
> >> Can I ask which xAuth library did you use on BB? Is that Java? not
> >> J2ME
> >> On Aug 6, 1:03 pm, BBTweet Media Player <>
> >> wrote:
> >> > WOOOOHOOO! I got my first 200 getting an XAuth request token.
> >> > I think the answer to my question is no, I am not expected to get the
> >> > same signature the have in the XAuth example but it always the same on
> >> > my device.  My final problem was I was not URL encoding the signature
> >> > before placing it into the Authorization header.
> >> > Thanks for all the help here hoping to things moving forward quicker.
> >> > I spent way to long trying to figure that out.
> >> > On Aug 6, 2:34 pm, BBTweet Media Player <>
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > Tom,
> >> > > Thanks for the reply.  That is what I tried to do here.  I used the
> >> > > exact same values presented on the XAuth
> >> > > page
> >> > > Everything was exactly the same upto the point where I ran the HMAC-
> >> > > SHA1 encoding....
> >> > > String signature = hmacsha1(signingSecret, baseString);
> >> > > The signature was not the same as the signature the showed in the
> >> > > example.  My first question is should it be if I run SHA1 encoding
> >> > > will with the same input should it always return the exact same string
> >> > > (I just do not know much about the encoding)?  If it should be the
> >> > > exact same this means that my problem is definitively in the encoding
> >> > > step.  If so can anyone see what I might be doing wrong in the signing
> >> > > step...
> >> > >         HMACKey k = new HMACKey(key.getBytes());
> >> > >         HMAC hmac = new HMAC(k, new SHA1Digest());
> >> > >         hmac.update(message.getBytes());
> >> > >         byte[] mac = hmac.getMAC();
> >> > >         return Base64OutputStream.encodeAsString(mac, 0, mac.length,
> >> > > false, false);
> >> > > Thanks,
> >> > > Kevin
> >> > > On Aug 6, 10:31 am, Tom <> wrote:
> >> > > > Hi,
> >> > > > I don't have a java compiler ready so I can't test your code.
> >> > > > The page about xAuth shows all steps between the start and the
> >> > > > actual
> >> > > > signature. Try reproducing every single one of these values.
> >> > > > (Usually
> >> > > > you can simply log all steps and then compare the results with the
> >> > > > xauth page.)
> >> > > > Tom
> >> > > > On Aug 6, 2:56 am, BBTweet Media Player <>
> >> > > > wrote:
> >> > > > > I am having a really tough time trying to figure out how to sign
> >> > > > > my
> >> > > > > OAuth request.  I am trying to follow the example
> >> > > > > at
> >> > > > > and my signature does not come out the same as it does in the
> >> > > > > example...
> >> > > > > I am doing....
> >> > > > > public static void xauth(){
> >> > > > >         try {
> >> > > > >             String twitter_url="
> >> > > > > access_token";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_consumer_key = "sGNxxnqgZRHUt6NunK3uw";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_consumer_secret =
> >> > > > > "5kEQypKe7lFHnufLtsocB1vAzO07xLFgp2Pc4sp2vk";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_nonce =
> >> > > > > "WLxsobj4rhS2xmCbaAeT4aAkRfx4vSHX4OnYpTE77hA";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_signature_method = "HMAC-SHA1";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_timestamp = "1276101652";
> >> > > > >             String oauth_version = "1.0";
> >> > > > >             String x_auth_mode = "client_auth";
> >> > > > >             String x_auth_password = "%&123!aZ+()456242134";
> >> > > > >             String x_auth_username = "tpFriendlyGiant";
> >> > > > >             String postBody = "x_auth_mode="+x_auth_mode
> >> > > > > +"&x_auth_password="+encodeUTF8(x_auth_password)+
> >> > > > >                 "&x_auth_username="+encodeUTF8(x_auth_username);
> >> > > > >             String baseString = "POST&"+encodeUTF8(twitter_url)+
> >> > > > >                 "&oauth_consumer_key%3D"+oauth_consumer_key +
> >> > > > >                 "%26oauth_nonce%3D"+oauth_nonce+
> >> > > > > "%26oauth_signature_method%3D"+oauth_signature_method+
> >> > > > >                 "%26oauth_timestamp%3D"+oauth_timestamp+
> >> > > > >                 "%26oauth_version%3D"+oauth_version+
> >> > > > >                 "%26"+encodeUTF8(postBody);
> >> > > > >             String signingSecret =
> >> > > > > encodeUTF8(oauth_consumer_secret)
> >> > > > > +"&";
> >> > > > >             String signature = hmacsha1(signingSecret,
> >> > > > > baseString);
> >> > > > >             String header = new StringBuffer("OAuth oauth_nonce=
> >> > > > > \"").append(oauth_nonce).append("\", oauth_signature_method=\"")
> >> > > > >                 .append(oauth_signature_method).append("\",
> >> > > > > oauth_timestamp=\"").append(oauth_timestamp).append("\",
> >> > > > > oauth_consumer_key=\"")
> >> > > > >                 .append(oauth_consumer_key).append("\",
> >> > > > > oauth_signature=\"").append(signature).append("\",
> >> > > > > oauth_version=\"")
> >> > > > >                 .append(oauth_version).append("\"").toString();
> >> > > > >             System.out.println("Header = " + header);
> >> > > > >         } catch (CryptoTokenException e) {
> >> > > > >             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
> >> > > > >             e.printStackTrace();
> >> > > > >         } catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) {
> >> > > > >             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
> >> > > > >             e.printStackTrace();
> >> > > > >         } catch (IOException e) {
> >> > > > >             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
> >> > > > >             e.printStackTrace();
> >> > > > >         }
> >> > > > >     }
> >> > > > >     private static String hmacsha1(String key, String message)
> >> > > > > throws
> >> > > > > CryptoTokenException,
> >> > > > >         CryptoUnsupportedOperationException, IOException {
> >> > > > >         HMACKey k = new HMACKey(key.getBytes());
> >> > > > >         HMAC hmac = new HMAC(k, new SHA1Digest());
> >> > > > >         hmac.update(message.getBytes());
> >> > > > >         byte[] mac = hmac.getMAC();
> >> > > > >         return Base64OutputStream.encodeAsString(mac, 0,
> >> > > > > mac.length,
> >> > > > > false, false);
> >> > > > >     }
> >> > > > > Everything matches the example, but when they sign they get...
> >> > > > > oauth_signature="yUDBrcMMm6ghqBEKCFKVoJPIacU%3D"
> >> > > > > and I get...
> >> > > > > MUYmiobRdoK6s0ZVqo4xQNNO17w=
> >> > > > > Can anyone see anything I am doing wrong?
> >> > > > > Thanks,
> >> > > > > Kevin
> --
> Enviado desde mi dispositivo móvil
> David F. Tavárez
> ============
> Software 
> Developer

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