I ran into an issue when authenticating via OAuth, using the
token/secret pair offered for one of my apps, on the dev site (example)

we use the perl OAuth::Lite::Consumer module and have no difficulty
authenticating using the typical dance for our user facing web app, but
when migrating a cron job from basic to OAuth, using the generated token
pair as above, we now consistently get the following error:

401 Unauthorized
{"request":"/1/account/verify_credentials.json","error":"Invalid / used

the passed OAuth Parameters are (consumer key redacted):

$VAR1 = {
          'oauth_signature' => 'uHd1S9mCVG/dGNaHCFbl8vLHh2s=',
          'oauth_timestamp' => 1282000377,
          'oauth_consumer_key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
          'oauth_nonce' => '95881ba3c50fa67a54fb',
          'oauth_version' => '1.0',
          'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1'

I'm reasonably sure that this all worked when I wrote and tested it
three weeks back, but when I went to roll it into our cron job this
afternoon, authentication consistently fails. I wonder if anyone on the
list has seen a similar change in behavior, and/or could offer some
advice as to what might generate this error. Thanks.

  -- Colin

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