To display status on UITableView doesn't require login. You can
reproduce Twitter website by using Twitter APIs.

On Aug 18, 8:29 am, Nik Fletcher <> wrote:
> Hi Alban
> You're looking at two different environments here:
> 1. The native Cocoa touch view you're working with, in which you're
> requesting the methods from the Twitter API and updating the table
> view.
> 2. The WebView, which is the main Twitter website
> The OAuth flow you've run through for requesting data for your
> UITableView isn't valid for logging into the user-facing
> pages.
> To make the most of you doing the OAuth flow and downloading the
> tweets to a native Cocoa touch view, and to save the re-login to
>, you'd probably want to look to add some further view
> controllers to your app and push them with the data you've downloaded
> etc.
> Cheers
> -N
> --
> Nik Fletcher
> @nikf

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