Just to follow back around, we're still showing 0 tweets on all
articles on Ars Technica. Does anyone at Twitter know if this is going
to be fixed soon?


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 6:27 AM, artesea <ryancul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone from Twitter looking at this list???
> I now have a post with 32 tweets when looking at
> http://twitter.com/#search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fldv.org.uk%2F20818
> Yet the post itself is still showing 0.
> Until this is fixed there is no point having the numbers displayed.
> Completely useless.
> Ryan
> On Aug 19, 9:22 am, artesea <ryancul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't give a damn about bit.ly or t.co.
>> I just want people to a) tweet with my own shortlink, and b) display
>> the number of people using that shortlink.
>> I'm not expecting twitter to workout thathttp://ldv.org.uk/20680is a
>> shortlink 
>> forhttp://www.libdemvoice.org/office-of-the-public-guardian-finally-star...
>> I'm just expecting them to count the number of tweets 
>> withhttp://ldv.org.uk/20680
>> in them as per the spec.
>> Ryan
>> On Aug 19, 12:53 am, Jonathan Strauss <jonat...@snowballfactory.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I'm pretty sure they're only indexing a subset of redirect links for
>> > the count at this point. So, the 4 or 5 being counted are probably
>> > ones that were shared with t.co or bit.ly.
>> > -jonathan
>> > --
>> > Jonathan Strauss, Co-Founderhttp://snowballfactory.com
>> > Campaign tracking for social media -http://awe.sm
>> > A smarter way to update Facebook from Twitter -http://tweetpo.st
>> > Sharecount button for Facebook -http://www.fbshare.me
>> > On Aug 18, 12:12 pm, artesea <ryancul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Happens in all browsers even days after the number of tweets is up to
>> > > 4 or 5 (ok not a busy site but still zero make it look crap)
>> > > Like I said before clicking on the number brings me to a page showing
>> > > all the tweets so they are there, just for some reason twitter when
>> > > doing the count lookup isn't finding them (url to short??? doesn't
>> > > like .org.uk???)
>> > > My shortlinks are the same for each post as I'm just using the
>> > > wordpress post id with a 301 redirect.
>> > > Not seeing any reply from Twitter other than "it's probably a cache
>> > > issue", which it clearly isn't.
>> > > Ryan
>> > > On Aug 16, 1:13 pm, Tom van der Woerdt <i...@tvdw.eu> wrote:
>> > > > I have one theory and that is that the Twitter button caches the
>> > > > numbers. Try opening a different browser - I've heard people that said
>> > > > that this works.
>> > > > You should also make sure that you don't generate a new shortlink for
>> > > > every tweet.
>> > > > Tom

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