Hi Taylor,

Really appreciate the response.

Aditya Raj

On Aug 23, 7:51 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> Hi Everyone,
> Think we found a nasty documentation bug around lists here, and we'll get
> them fixed as soon as we can.
> I believe the issue here is that we haven't indicated a necessary path
> component.
> The API call should be to:
> POSThttp://api.twitter.com/1/:user/lists/:list_id/create_all.json
> Sorry about the confusion!
> Taylor
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Jim Chevalier <jcheval...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > I'm getting no response from 'create_all' (http://dev.twitter.com/doc/
> > post/:user/:list_id/create_all) when using twitteroauth (http://
> > github.com/abraham/twitteroauth).
> > This is the code that I'm using:
> > $added = $connection->post("{$user->screen_name}/{$list->id}/
> > create_all", array('user_id' => $users));
> > print_r($added);
> > Nothing is displayed; no error is provided.
> > Other POST calls are functioning properly, and the 'members' (http://
> > dev.twitter.com/doc/post/:user/:list_id/members) call is working just
> > fine.
> > So, you're not alone Aditya...
> > -Jim
> > On Aug 18, 9:30 pm, whizcreed <aditya.inter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am using ruby-auth gem to interact with twitter api.
> > > Unfortunately in situation of an error I am unable to find out much
> > > information on the cause.
> > > I am facing quite a strange problem. Consider following output:
> > > >> r = u.twitter.post("/adityaraj/19567361/members.json", "id" =>
> > '35671043')
> > > => {"slug"=>"ruby-on-rails", "name"=>"Ruby-on-rails", "uri"=>"/
> > > adityaraj/ruby-on-rails", "subscriber_count"=>0, "member_count"=>8,
> > > "mode"=>"public", "id"=>19567361, "full_name"=>"@adityaraj/ruby-on-
> > > rails", "description"=>"", "user"=>{}, "following"=>false}
> > > >> r = u.twitter.post("/adityaraj/19567361/create_all.json", "user_id" =>
> > '35671043')
> > > TwitterAuth::Dispatcher::Error: An error occurred processing your
> > > Twitter request.
> > >         from /home/aditya/work/twitter/vendor/plugins/twitter-auth/lib/
> > > twitter_auth/dispatcher/shared.rb:35:in `handle_response'
> > >         from /home/aditya/work/twitter/vendor/plugins/twitter-auth/lib/
> > > twitter_auth/dispatcher/oauth.rb:22:in `request'
> > >         from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/oauth-0.4.1/lib/oauth/tokens/
> > > access_token.rb:44:in `post'
> > >         from (irb):12
> > >         from :0
> > > I have tried using create_all method with multiple screen_names but no
> > > luck.
> > > API link:http://dev.twitter.com/doc/post/:user/:list_id/create_all
> > > Can anyone please point out if there is any obvious mistake in this or
> > > if you are able to make it work.
> > > Regards,
> > > Aditya Raj

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