Now that oAuthpocalypse is approaching a successful finish, what's the plan for "Inverse oAuthpocalypse?" That is, we were promised that the API call rate would rise to 1500 GETs per hour on oAuth. It is currently at 350, and dropped to 175 at one point during the World Cup Loadapalooza. So is there a plan to gradually get up to the 1500, will we see a jump to 1500, or are we stuck at 350 for the foreseeable future?

As a developer and former capacity planner, my preference would be for a very gradual increase - say increases of 50 an hour per week until something breaks, then hold there as dictated by infrastructure growth priorities.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." - Paul Erdos

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