
I am new with twitterme api and i am making an application on
blackberry which will post the articles on the twitter.

i registered my application with the twitter and get the token and

what i want in my application that whenever user provide there
credentials than i want to post one article on twitter. right now i m
providing the token like :

Token  token = new Token("49990287-

these parameters i m putting hard coded

how i can get these parameters dynamically according to the user

whenever i m running the below code than its posting on my twitter.
but i want that who ever will use my applcation provide the username/
pwd of twitter and than post article.

do u have any sample code which runs finely on blackberry and posting
on twitter according to the username/pwd.

sometimes i m getting the LimitExceedException.

My Code :

MainScreen screen = new MainScreen();

        //Token  token = new Token("token_access", "token_secret");
        Token  token = new Token("49990287-

        XAuthSigner xc=new

        xc.sign(new HttpRequest("http://api.twitter.com";), token);

        Credential c = new Credential("zahidalinaqvi",
"qn2vhn4xvErTx9qGw95sRPMcemFQUejw87g1lqGNYk", token);

        UserAccountManager m = UserAccountManager.getInstance(c);

        try {
            if (m.verifyCredential()) {
            //GeoLocation loc = new GeoLocation("+37.5", "+26.7");
            Tweet t = new Tweet("Cool! Geo-located tweet via Twitter
API ME.");

            TweetER ter = TweetER.getInstance(m);

            t = ter.post(t);

        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (LimitExceededException e) {

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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