That is a good find. I read over that one a lot of times... But...

Now it tells me Invalid / expired Token
I tested this on two accounts with two applications and the same
script... I copy/pasted the codes, there can't be errors that way....
What's going wrong now?

thanks for helping me out!

On Sep 30, 4:04 pm, Marc Mims <> wrote:
> * wkossen <> [100930 01:25]:
> > my $client = Net::Twitter->new(
> >     traits => ['OAuth', 'API::REST'],
> >     consumer_key => $ckey,
> >     consumer_secret => $csec,
> >     access_token => $atok,
> >     access_secret => $asec,
> Here's the problem.  It's access_token_secret, not access_secret.
> I also suggest adding this bit to the top of your script to let perl
> help find potential errors:
>     #!/usr/bin/perl
>     use warnings;
>     use strict;
>         -Marc

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