Probably null as well.


On 10/19/10 11:49 AM, Reivax wrote:
> Hi
> In the case where an id is null (as in "in_reply_to_status_id":null )
> what will the value of "in_reply_to_status_id_str" be ?
> Thanks
> Xavier
> On 19 oct, 02:34, themattharris <> wrote:
>> Thanks to @gotwalt for spotting the missing commas.
>> Fixed JSON sample ...
>> [
>>   {
>>     "coordinates": null,
>>     "truncated": false,
>>     "created_at": "Thu Oct 14 22:20:15 +0000 2010",
>>     "favorited": false,
>>     "entities": {
>>       "urls": [
>>       ],
>>       "hashtags": [
>>       ],
>>       "user_mentions": [
>>         {
>>           "name": "Matt Harris",
>>           "id": 777925,
>>           "id_str": "777925",
>>           "indices": [
>>             0,
>>             14
>>           ],
>>           "screen_name": "themattharris"
>>         }
>>       ]
>>     },
>>     "text": "@themattharris hey how are things?",
>>     "annotations": null,
>>     "contributors": [
>>       {
>>         "id": 819797,
>>         "id_str": "819797",
>>         "screen_name": "episod"
>>       }
>>     ],
>>     "id": 12738165059,
>>     "id_str": "12738165059",
>>     "retweet_count": 0,
>>     "geo": null,
>>     "retweeted": false,
>>     "in_reply_to_user_id": 777925,
>>     "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "777925",
>>     "in_reply_to_screen_name": "themattharris",
>>     "user": {
>>       "id": 6253282,
>>       "id_str": "6253282"
>>     },
>>     "source": "web",
>>     "place": null,
>>     "in_reply_to_status_id": 12738040524,
>>     "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "12738040524"
>>   }
>> ]
>> Best,
>> @themattharris
>> On Oct 18, 5:19 pm, Matt Harris <> wrote:
>>> Last week you may remember Twitter planned to enable the new Status ID
>>> generator - 'Snowflake' but didn't. The purpose of this email is to explain
>>> the reason why this didn't happen, what we are doing about it, and what the
>>> new release plan is.
>>> So what is Snowflake?
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Snowflake is a service we will be using to generate unique Tweet IDs. These
>>> Tweet IDs are unique 64bit unsigned integers, which, instead of being
>>> sequential like the current IDs, are based on time. The full ID is composed
>>> of a timestamp, a worker number, and a sequence number.
>>> The problem
>>> -----------------
>>> Before launch it came to our attention that some programming languages such
>>> as Javascript cannot support numbers with >53bits. This can be easily
>>> examined by running a command similar to: (90071992547409921).toString() in
>>> your browsers console or by running the following JSON snippet through your
>>> JSON parser.
>>>     {"id": 10765432100123456789, "id_str": "10765432100123456789"}
>>> In affected JSON parsers the ID will not be converted successfully and will
>>> lose accuracy. In some parsers there may even be an exception.
>>> The solution
>>> ----------------
>>> To allow javascript and JSON parsers to read the IDs we need to include a
>>> string version of any ID when responding in the JSON format. What this means
>>> is Status, User, Direct Message and Saved Search IDs in the Twitter API will
>>> now be returned as an integer and a string in JSON responses. This will
>>> apply to the main Twitter API, the Streaming API and the Search API.
>>> For example, a status object will now contain an id and an id_str. The
>>> following JSON representation of a status object shows the two versions of
>>> the ID fields for each data point.
>>> [
>>>   {
>>>     "coordinates": null,
>>>     "truncated": false,
>>>     "created_at": "Thu Oct 14 22:20:15 +0000 2010",
>>>     "favorited": false,
>>>     "entities": {
>>>       "urls": [
>>>       ],
>>>       "hashtags": [
>>>       ],
>>>       "user_mentions": [
>>>         {
>>>           "name": "Matt Harris",
>>>           "id": 777925,
>>>           "id_str": "777925",
>>>           "indices": [
>>>             0,
>>>             14
>>>           ],
>>>           "screen_name": "themattharris"
>>>         }
>>>       ]
>>>     },
>>>     "text": "@themattharris hey how are things?",
>>>     "annotations": null,
>>>     "contributors": [
>>>       {
>>>         "id": 819797,
>>>         "id_str": "819797",
>>>         "screen_name": "episod"
>>>       }
>>>     ],
>>>     "id": 12738165059,
>>>     "id_str": "12738165059",
>>>     "retweet_count": 0,
>>>     "geo": null,
>>>     "retweeted": false,
>>>     "in_reply_to_user_id": 777925,
>>>     "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "777925",
>>>     "in_reply_to_screen_name": "themattharris",
>>>     "user": {
>>>       "id": 6253282
>>>       "id_str": "6253282"
>>>     },
>>>     "source": "web",
>>>     "place": null,
>>>     "in_reply_to_status_id": 12738040524
>>>     "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "12738040524"
>>>   }
>>> ]
>>> What should you do - RIGHT NOW
>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>> The first thing you should do is attempt to decode the JSON snippet above
>>> using your production code parser. Observe the output to confirm the ID has
>>> not lost accuracy.
>>> What you do next depends on what happens:
>>> * If your code converts the ID successfully without losing accuracy you are
>>> OK but should consider converting to the _str versions of IDs as soon as
>>> possible.
>>> * If your code has lost accuracy, convert your code to using the _str
>>> version immediately. If you do not do this your code will be unable to
>>> interact with the Twitter API reliably.
>>> * In some language parsers, the JSON may throw an exception when reading the
>>> ID value. If this happens in your parser you will need to ‘pre-parse’ the
>>> data, removing or replacing ID parameters with their _str versions.
>>> Summary
>>> -------------
>>> 1) If you develop in Javascript, know that you will have to update your code
>>> to read the string version instead of the integer version.
>>> 2) If you use a JSON decoder, validate that the example JSON, above, decodes
>>> without throwing exceptions. If exceptions are thrown, you will need to
>>> pre-parse the data. Please let us know the name, version, and language of
>>> the parser which throws the exception so we can investigate.
>>> Timeline
>>> -----------
>>> by 22nd October 2010 (Friday): String versions of ID numbers will start
>>> appearing in the API responses
>>> 4th November 2010 (Thursday) : Snowflake will be turned on but at ~41bit
>>> length
>>> 26th November 2010 (Friday) : Status IDs will break 53bits in length and
>>> cease being usable as Integers in Javascript based languages
>>> We understand this isn’t as seamless a transition as we had planned and
>>> appreciate for some of you this change requires an update to your code.
>>> We’ve tried to give as much time as possible for you to make the migration
>>> and update your code to use the new string representations.
>>> Our own products and tools are affected by the change and we will be making
>>> available any pre-parsing snippets we have created to ensure code continues
>>> to work with the new IDs.
>>> Thanks for your support and understanding.
>>> ---
>>> @themattharris
>>> Developer Advocate, Twitter

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