Any advice, please.

On 11月12日, 下午3时14分, bagusflyer <> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm a new member of twitter community. What I'm going to do is to put
> the twitter share page inside my own page. I'm using iframe for this.
> Here is my code:
> <iframe name="content_frame" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 width=100%
> height=100% src="
> %20"; frameborder=0></iframe>
> The problem is the content in this iframe is totally blank. I don't
> know why twitter is so special that can't be embedded into my own page
> like this. Is there anyway to implement this?
> By the way, I tried object embed. It did not work either.
> Any suggestion?
> Thank you so much,
> Bagusflyer

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