Images in tweets on Twitter are communicated by attaching a URL to the tweet
that points to a picture. Some photo sharing services have become
somewhat institutionalized through their use on Twitter -- many Twitter
clients are built to "understand" when a link points to a photo on Plixi or
the like.

If you're going down the path of creating your own photo sharing service for
Twitter, you'll be at a disadvantage to the other offerings for this reason.
The majority of your costs in this project will be in storage and bandwidth.
The most relevant piece of the Twitter API for you will be the status update
posting API, which will allow you to create tweets with links pointing to
photos hosted on your servers -- the Twitter API doesn't provide any means
to attach an image directly with a tweet.


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Guilherme A M Ferreira <> wrote:

> Guys,
> I am new at Twitter API and I've been reading the API doc to figure out how
> it works. What brought me here is a customer's requirement that I would like
> you to help me on.
> A promotion will happen based on Twitter where customers that follows my
> customer's user will have to send photos like Twitpic , Plixi and so on and
> a team will evaluate those photos to judge it and come up with the best
> photos across the country.
> They don't want to use these existing services, they want (must) store the
> photos on their own server so basically I need to write a Twitpic-like app.
> Is there functions available in the API to accomplish what I would like to
> do ? When the user twits and attach a photo I'd like to send this photo to
> my app (I am aware they would need to change their photo settings).
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> G.
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:

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