Hi Kevin,

Thanks again for pointing this out. We've updated the gist with a fix
for the issue you identified:


On Dec 3, 3:23 pm, Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Thanks for pointing this out Kevin. I've passed this onto the engineers for
> review.
> Best
> @themattharris
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/themattharris
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Kevin Watters <kevinwatt...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Beware the natural order comparison code linked above.
> > natcompare(10705970246197248, 9999625058521088) returns -1
> > incorrectly. Seehttps://gist.github.com/727383for an example.
> > On Nov 23, 12:26 pm, Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > > Hey everyone,
> > > You may remember a few weeks ago we launched Snowflake having encouraged
> > you
> > > all to check your code to make sure you were able to handle the larger
> > > numbers it will generate. For those of you whose code couldn't handle the
> > > longer numbers we created String versions of the IDs in our JSON
> > responses,
> > > identified by an "_str" at the end of their name - for example the Tweet
> > ID
> > > in the JSON response exists twice: once as a number (id) and once as a
> > > string (id_str). For API requests which returned arrays of IDs we added
> > the
> > > parameter "stringify_ids" to force all IDs to Strings. For example:
> >https://api.twitter.com/1/followers/ids.json?cursor=-1&stringify_ids=1
> > > We're sending this reminder because at 2.14pm PDT (10.14pm UTC) this
> > Sunday,
> > > 28th November 2010 Snowflake IDs will reach 53bits.
> > > Only Tweet IDs are generated by Snowflake. This means only Tweets,
> > Retweets,
> > > Mentions and Replies are affected this weekend. Things like Saved
> > Searches,
> > > Users and Direct Messages are not Snowflaked.
> > > If you haven't converted your code to use the String version you should
> > do
> > > so immediately. Once the IDs reach 53bits Javascript, and some other
> > > languages, misrepresent the numbers. As an example: 2**53 =
> > 9007199254740992
> > > Representing this in Javascript gives....
> > > > (9007199254740992).toString()
> > > "9007199254740992"
> > > > (9007199254740993).toString()
> > > "9007199254740992"
> > > > (9007199254740994).toString()
> > > "9007199254740994"
> > > > (9007199254740995).toString()
> > > "9007199254740996"
> > > > (9007199254740999).toString()
> > > "9007199254741000"
> > > You can see in this example that the Tweet IDs are being misrepresented
> > in
> > > their converted state. We've provided String versions of all of our IDs,
> > > even those which are not using Snowflake IDs. We've done this to make it
> > > easier for you to convert your code. Even if your code can handle the
> > longer
> > > numbers you may want to convert to Strings anyway. Doing so will reduce
> > the
> > > risk of problems should you extend your code with a language or library
> > that
> > > doesn't support >53bit numbers.
> > > If you are using Javascript you may find the following code samples
> > helpful.
> > > They were put together by our web team as an example approach to the
> > problem
> > > of capturing the String version of the IDs, and sorting them.
> > > The first gist looks for the new *_str field and uses it if it's there.
> >  If
> > > it's missing, the original field is used but stringified first. This
> > doesn't
> > > make IDs >53bit safe for you but but does mean you can use String IDs for
> > > all other attributes without having to check for them first.
> > > The second code sample using the library natcompare.js which performs
> > > 'natural order' comparisons of strings in JavaScript. It was written by
> > > Kristof Coomans of the SCK-CEN (Belgian Nucleair Research Centre).
> > >    http://gist.github.com/637624
> > > There has been some great discussion about this in the developer forums,
> > > including some questions and answers about the change. You can read more
> > > here:
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> > > Best,
> > > @themattharris
> > > Developer Advocate, Twitter
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> > API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> >http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> > Change your membership to this group:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk

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