Hi everyone,

I have a problem that puzzles me: I get ids back from twitter which
are in an alphanumeric/hex format, for instance take a look at the
tweet packet at the bottom of this message.  The id 31fe39275142e6fe
is completely different from the format I'm used to, e.g.

This gives me headaches for two reasons:

1) The ids are not sortable anymore
2)  Ids such as '31fe39275142e6fe' will not work as the "max_id"
parameter of a home_timeline call.

Any ideas of what might be going on? I'm I missing something obvious?

Thanks so much!

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        text = "In other news, heading down to Paris tomorrow AM for
@LeWeb 2010. I expect to come back exhausted, but looking forward to
seeing friends.";
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            description = "I blog for TechCrunch (now AOL), organize
events (Plugg, OpenCoffeeClub Brussels) and do too much other stuff,
too. Love the web and startups. Hate sprouts.";
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