Hi Jenny,

It does seem there is something wrong with those date stamps. I've asked the
engineers to look into it.

Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:01 AM, jenny <jloo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ack, sorry- sinceid issue was me being stupid with since_id/count
> params. still wondering what's going on with the incorrect created_at
> times though.
> On Jan 4, 5:26 pm, jenny <jloo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > lately I've noticed tweets with times out of order on twitter.com. for
> > example, earlier todayhttp://twitter.com/#!/warrenellisshowed:
> >
> > Previous Marvel EIC Joe Quesada becomes Chief Creative Officer, to be
> > addressed as "Comandante"
> > 4 hours agohttp://twitter.com/#!/warrenellis/status/22352255088852993
> >
> > Axel Alonso becomes new Editor In Chief of Marvel Comics, institutes
> > celebratory beatings companywide
> > 3 hours agohttp://twitter.com/#!/warrenellis/status/22351328088956928
> > ...
> > The brilliant novelist @steveaylett is guest writer today at my site:
> http://bit.ly/epD01V
> > 4 hours agohttp://twitter.com/#!/warrenellis/status/22332045711646720
> >
> > calling twurl /1/statuses/show/ for each of the above ids yields:
> > 22352255088852993:
> > <created_at>Tue Jan 04 20:29:07 +0000 2011</created_at>
> > <statuses_count>12853</statuses_count>
> >
> > 22351328088956928:
> > <created_at>Tue Jan 04 21:07:31 +0000 2011</created_at>
> > <statuses_count>12852</statuses_count>
> >
> > 22332045711646720:
> > <created_at>Tue Jan 04 20:00:10 +0000 2011</created_at>
> > <statuses_count>12851</statuses_count>
> >
> > Is this expected?  they're correctly sorted by status id, but the
> > created_at times are out of order, and incorrect judging by the
> > statuses_count. It looks like created_at values are used behind the
> > scenes in some REST queries using sinceid, since if I try to get
> > statuses since the middle tweet above, it won't include the first
> > tweet, which has a higher status id but earlier created_at time:
> > $ twurl /1/statuses/home_timeline.xml?sinceid=22351328088956928 | grep
> > 22352255088852993
> > $
> >
> > (to reproduce the sinceid bug you have to use tweets from people
> > you're already following; if I start following warrenellis from
> > another account after those tweets have happened, the above call
> > includes the top tweet.)
> >
> > another example from my home timeline, in order shown on twitter.com
> > earlier today:
> > codinghorror Jeff Atwood
> > A call to all community minded sysadminshttp://goo.gl/Vfo8P
> > 4 hours ago
> > (http://twitter.com/#!/codinghorror/status/22357712645918720,
> > created_at = Tue Jan 04 18:24:28 +0000 2011)
> >
> > arstechnica Ars Technica
> > Warrantless cell phone search gets a green light in California:
> http://arst.ch/npoby @ejacqui
> > 3 hours ago
> > (http://twitter.com/#!/arstechnica/status/22357602243448833,
> > created_at = Tue Jan 04 19:51:52 +0000 2011)
> >
> > BoingBoing Boing Boing
> > In Egypt, an iPrayerhttp://bit.ly/gsFfHp
> > 2 hours ago
> > (http://twitter.com/#!/BoingBoing/status/22357128580694016,
> > created_at = Tue Jan 04 21:08:45 +0000 2011)
> >
> > BoingBoing Boing Boing
> > Cute, friendly, non-threatening bear hathttp://bit.ly/gKsaAP
> > 4 hours ago
> > (http://twitter.com/#!/BoingBoing/status/22357124545773568,
> > created_at = Tue Jan 04 19:06:26 +0000 2011)
> --
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