thank you very much for your attention, i'm such a noob i thought
tokens would expire :|

On 21 Gen, 17:31, "Knutsford Software" <>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "juri" <>
> To: "Twitter Development Talk" <>
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 4:00 PM
> Subject: [twitter-dev] [PHP] Automatic tweets from a site?
> > Hello there,
> > i am wondering if it's possible to send automatically tweets from a
> > predefined account with PHP.
> > Basically i have a site in which users create content and i'd like to
> > automatically tweet from the site's account like "user xxx just made
> > content yyy, check it out at urlurl" whenever something new is
> > created..
> > I couldn't find anything similar online, but many oauth tutorials that
> > actually aren't what i need (my login credentials have to be unknown
> > to the users, of course).
> > is it possible? xAuth might be the way?
> Yep it is. I have done it
> include 'lib/EpiCurl.php';
> include 'lib/EpiOAuth.php';
> include 'lib/EpiTwitter.php';
> include 'lib/secret.php';
> $twitterObj = new EpiTwitter($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_token,
> $oauth_token_secret);
>  $twitter_message = utf8_encode($twitter_message);
>  $x = $twitterObj->post_statusesUpdate(array('status' => $twitter_message));
>  if ($x->id) {
>  } else {
>       if ($x->response[error] <> "Status is a duplicate.") {
>            echo "Error Posting Tweet - " . $x->response[error];
>            die();
>       }
>  }
> secret.php' contains
> <?php
>     $consumer_key = ' Whatever the key is ';
>     $consumer_secret = 'Whatever the secret is';
>     $oauth_token = "Whatever the token is";
>     $oauth_token_secret = "Whatever the token secret is is";
> ?>
> Pam

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