Very important questions, in my opinion, Tim. Looking forward to read
the clarifications.

Also, I don't seem to be able to find the original post by Ryan at

Does the link provided in the following tweet work for you guys?!/twitterapi/status/46304795866312704


On 15 Mar., 00:39, Tim Haines <> wrote:
> Hey Ryan, Raffi, Taylor, Matt, and other Twitter staff,
> I've been confused about Ryan's post, and some of the follow up comments.
>  Some of the tweets I've seen since have been reassuring that my original
> interpretation of Ryan's email was inaccurate.  I thought you were saying
> 'no new client apps allowed', and I'm very relieved to hear I was wrong.
> I wanted to follow up with a few more questions and comments to make sure I
> understand Twitter's message correctly.  Twitter staff, if I have anything
> wrong here, please correct, or rephrase to be more accurate.
> Please excuse the length of this and the number of questions at the end of
> the email. Changing the API rules is changing the contract we have, and as
> I'm so invested in the ecosystem (my family's livelihood now depends on it),
> I want to be completely sure I understand what the new contract is that
> you're introducing.
> First off, some background.  Ryan said that developers are welcome to
> develop things that Twitter has said developers shouldn't be doing -
> "shouldn't" is guidance only, and not a prohibition.  Twitter will
> only interfere with applications if they break the API TOS. Tweets related
> to this (clicking on the last one and viewing the thread is easiest):
>    -
>    -
>    -
>    -
>    -
>    -
> Furthermore, the most disturbing paragraph for me in Ryan's announcement:
> If you are an existing developer of client apps, you can continue to serve
> > your user base, but we will be holding you to high standards to ensure you
> > do not violate users’ privacy, that you provide consistency in the user
> > experience, and that you rigorously adhere to all areas of our Terms of
> > Service.
> This and the preceding paragraph together could be interpreted to mean that
> developers "aren't allowed" to build NEW client apps.  According to the
> tweets above, they are allowed, but Twitter is advising developers that they
> should focus their efforts elsewhere.  Likewise, existing applications "will
> be held to high standards".  As Ryan clarified in his tweets, these
> applications won't be interfered with unless they break the API TOS.  So all
> told, the email itself doesn't introduce anything new rulewise; you can do
> anything you want within the API TOS, but if you break the API TOS you'll
> potentially have your app revoked.  No change here.
> You won't be applying a subjective 'high standard' or 'high bar' and
> revoking an app unless it breaks the API TOS. Phew!  You are remaining an
> open API, within the confines of your stated rules.
> However, the email was accompanied with changes to the API TOS (of course
> Twitter can make any change to the API TOS at any time - including adding
> further restrictions in the future).  This round of changes included amongst
> other things, the addition of section I.5, adding restrictions to what
> client applications may and may not do.  For the purposes of this email, I'm
> considering my own application, Favstar, a client.  While it doesn't allow
> you to tweet at the moment, it will in the coming months, therefore meeting
> the criteria specified in the API TOS for Favstar to be regarded as a
> client.
> My questions:
> 5a: Your Client must use the Twitter API as the sole source for features
> > that are substantially similar to functionality offered by Twitter. Some
> > examples include trending topics, who to follow, and suggested user lists.
> *Question re 5a:*  Favstar has for a long time offered 'suggested user
> lists' in the form of it's popular page 
> (  Is this
> feature now in breach of the API TOS?  If it is in breach, does this place
> Favstar in breach until the feature is removed?
> *Question re 5a:*  If I was to add features that surfaced 'popular themes'
> found in tweets that Favstar collects, would this be considered similar to
> Trending topics, and put Favstar in breach of the API TOS?
> *Question re 5a:* Favstar users can buy 'bonus features', and receive a slew
> of extra features.  I've recently started promoting these users on the site.
> If follow buttons were added to their avatar's in the places of promotion,
> could this be considered as a 'who to follow' feature that would put Favstar
> in breach of the API TOS?
> 5c: Your Client cannot frame or otherwise reproduce significant portions of
> > the Twitter service. You should display Twitter Content from the Twitter
> > API.
> *Clarify Please re 5c:* This seems like it could be applied pretty
> generally, and I'm not sure what what constitute a breach of it.  Could you
> provide some examples?
> 5d: Do not store non-public user profile data or content.
> *Question re 5d:* Favstar collects and stores tweets that are favorited.
>  Some of those tweets are later deleted.  If Favstar has an oauth token for
> the user, their tweet will be deleted from Favstar also.  However, if the
> tweet has been collected via the fav REST API, it's possible that I don't
> have an oauth token for the user, so I won't be notified of deletions, and
> won't know when tweets have been deleted.  Another scenario where this
> applies is that users sometimes make their profiles protected for a short
> time, and then unprotect them.  Is it expect that when a user protects their
> profile, all content for them should be removed?  This would anger a lot of
> my users, and cause an experience inconsistent with their expectations.
>  However, does not doing it put Favstar in breach of the API TOS?
> 5e: You may not use Twitter Content or other data collected from end users
> > of your Client to create or maintain a separate status update or social
> > network database or service.
> *Interpretation re 5e - please confirm:* It's okay for me to collect a
> 'status update' from the user, and to send it as content to Twitter,
> Facebook, and Tumblr all at once.  It's also okay for me to pull content
> from all of those social networks and display them on Favstar, a Twitter
> client.  However, it's not okay for me to start tracking 'Favstar Status
> Updates' as something the user could post without requiring them to publish
> their content elsewhere.
> *Question re 5e:* I'm not permitted to create a social network service from
> data I collect from end users of my client (Favstar).  Is the Tweet of the
> Day feature I offer a social network service?
> *Question re 5e:* I have many new features that I plan to introduce to
> Favstar in 2011.  How do I determine whether they will put me in breach of
> 5e?  Can you make it a little clearer what constitutes a 'separate status
> update database/service or separate social network database/service'.
>  Please?
> Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this.  I look forward to
> receiving your reply and having my concerns put to rest.
> Regards,
> Tim.

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