Dear Sir or Madam,

I am programming for Number 10 iphone application.Currently,this
application has xAuth access and can post information via twitter.

However, when I try to call [twitterEngine
enableUpdatesFor:@"follower"] for adding a follower. it will return a
401 error.

here is my code:

- (void)accessTokenReceived:(OAToken *)token forRequest:(NSString
*)connectionIdentifier {

        [self.twitterEngine setAccessToken:token];

- (void)requestSucceeded:(NSString *)requestIdentifier{

        switch (stage) {
                case postLogin:

                        stage = loginCorrect;
                case loginCorrect:

                        if (twitterAction == follow) {
                                NSString *follower = [NSString 
                                NSLog(@"Try to Follow %@",follower);
                                NSLog(@"enableUpdatesFor: connectionIdentifier 
= %@",
[twitterEngine enableUpdatesFor:follower]);

                        } else if (twitterAction == retweet || twitterAction == 
tweet) {

post and retweet work well. but follow action didn't work. could you
help me to point out what is the problem?

if you can give me a example code to show how to do follow action in
xAuth, that would be great.

Many Thanks for your help.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Many thanks.

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