Glad to see this is going on, and that the event is being recorded for
those of us who can't attend. Sorry for the snark but, does Twitter
not have any room in the developer outreach budget for power strips?


On May 9, 7:07 pm, Jason Costa <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're excited to see many of you this Thursday for Devnest. Just a
> couple of quick updates on the event.
> The Agenda:
> - Introduction from Dick Costolo
> - Platform updates from Ryan Sarver
> - Presentations from ecosystem developers
> - Q&A session with members of our platform team
> - After Q&A, members of our platform team will be hanging out - please
> show us your apps!
> - Shortly after 8:30pm, we'll be heading to Jillian's to hang out -
> feel free to join us
> Other important notes about the event:
> - Please plan to start arriving around 6:15pm, as we'll do our best to
> start on time at 6:30pm
> - We'll be signing in registered guests in the first floor lobby of
> our office (795 Folsom Street)
> - Be sure to juice up your laptop battery before arriving: we'll be
> extremely limited on power outlets!
> - The hashtag for the event will be #devnestSF
> - If you can't attend but would like to ask questions, please tag them
> with #devnestSF
> - We'll be live-tweeting from the @twitterapi account - be sure to
> follow along!
> For those on the waitlist, we've had significant interest in the event
> and won't be able to accommodate additional attendees this time
> around. But don't worry, we'll be having more of these in the future
> and we'll also be recording the event. We plan to upload the video
> footage to
> See you Thursday!
> --Jason

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