Hi everyone,

Thanks again to those of you who spent the evening with us this past
Thursday at #devnestSF. We had a great time seeing so many of you, and
hope you enjoyed yourselves too. We started off the night with talks
from Dick Costolo and Ryan Sarver, then saw presentations from four
great companies in the ecosystem: DataMinr, Klout, The Guardian, and
Quora. A big thanks to all four of them for coming out.

We also had a chance to do Q&A with Ryan and Matt Harris from the
Platform team. We heard some solid questions from the audience around
an OAuth 2 implementation, the status of the JavaScript API and
@anywhere, opening up an API for the t.co shortener, and more. We’re
hoping to eventually upload videos from the event, but don’t have a
timeline as of yet for that.

Just to recap on some of the statistics we revealed during the event:

- the platform now receives 13 Billion API requests a day
- 600,000 developers are working with the Twitter API
- 900,000 applications have integrated with the Twitter API

Additionally, we saw other exciting activities in the ecosystem over
the past six months:

- ~$1 Billion in acquisitions
- ~$475 Million in venture capital investment

As I mentioned above, we had some great ecosystem company
presentations too:

- DataMinr sent out an alert regarding Osama Bin Laden’s death 20
minutes before Bloomberg reported it, and the detection was based on
only 19 tweets.
- Klout is now serving almost 1 Billion API calls monthly, with more
than 4 billion graph edges scored daily and over 6 billion tweets
analyzed for user topics every three months.
- Guardian discussed how they were able to pull down a massive volume
of tweets, and analyze public sentiment around Tony Blair at the
Chilcott Inquiry.
- Quora illustrated how they effectively use the Twitter OAuth sign-in
flow, and noted how they see an average of 30 click-throughs when a
user tweets an answer out.

If you attended the event and have feedback, please feel free to send
me a note (jasonco...@twitter.com) - I’d love to hear how you felt
about it. We want to do more of these in the future, and your feedback
will help us to better calibrate those events.

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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