For a case of single-account use like this, you're totally fine using the
API to programmatically follow. Most of the terms around automated following
are clarified here:
some more general information on the limits of following here:

Avoid follow-churn: don't follow then unfollow, then refollow. Keep your
following rate reasonable -- though you're programmatically following you
should still throttle your actions to a polite rate, especially if you're
planning on a larger number of follow actions.

Finally, make sure you're using an account with a bio and a picture, maybe
even some tweets. A generic looking account that follows a bunch of users
but has no followers or tweets or identity itself is likely to be reported
as spam.

@episod <> - Taylor Singletary

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 5:32 AM, boblefrag <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm working on a website how expose interesting things about cooking and
> food.
> We have created a service how use the stream API to get information about
> people on twitter talking about our subject of interest.
> In our website, if our administrator thinks that content is good enough, he
> mark the twitter account as "interesting" and we look for his tweets with
> Stream API. I want to tell that it is a manual action for our admin.
> But we have now the idea to follow this twitter users talking about food
> with our account ( 1 account ), the one that we have marked as interressing,
> but in reading carefully the ToS Twitter says we cannot auto-follow twitter
> account.
> As we don't want to auto-follow but follow programaticaly, principaly to
> avoid annoying repetitive task like : mark it as "interressing" in our
> website back office then go on twitter to follow them, I'd like to ask you
> if it is permited to programaticaly follow people like we want to do ?
> Best regards and thank you in advance.
>  --
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> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:!forum/twitter-development-talk

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