You can't. The 20 is the number of tweets received from Twitter's database. It will then simply not send the ones which come from private users, deleted ones (?), retweets, etc. If you want 20, ask for 50 and limit it yourself.


On 5/29/11 11:20 AM, ogierepier wrote:
Now I have a public list that includes private accounts. I'm
retrieving the result by calling statuses.json. The list is followed
by a few people. I have a gadget on my site which retrieves the latest
statuses. The private tweets are left out, which is fine by me, but
they're taking the place of the public tweets. Which means if for
example the 20 latest tweets on the first page of the results contain
19 private tweets you get only one tweet back. I do not want to remove
the private accounts from the list because the people following the
list can see this private tweets on How can I exclude the
private tweets from the query so that my results of the latest 20
tweets contain 20 public statuses?

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