Ah, ok. Seems you need to specify count param to be accurate.

On Jun 26, 10:22 pm, Chris Teso <christ...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The documentation athttp://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/retweets/:id
> states it will return up to 100 of the first retweets of a given
> tweet.
> However, in practice the method seems to only return the recent
> Retweets for a given Tweet.
> Take these two urls:http://www.flickfolia.com/freeshows 17 Retweets.
> This url is using the api to return 
> Retweets.http://twitter.com/#!/Flickfolia/status/85127683410886656shows that
> there has been 29 Retweets.
> Note: The stats are as of the time of this post.

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