Hello Mr.Paul use the url starts with "https" but not with "http"

After making this change u won't get 401 un authorized error.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Paul <jpb....@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is really frustrating. Thank you Tom, made the changes but no
> effect. Here is everything I pass and get. Im trying to do a GET for
> mentions.
> Whats the problem? :(
> - Generate Base URL -
> base=GET&http%3A%2F%2Fapi.twitter.com%2F1%2Fstatuses
> %2Fmentions.xml&oauth_consumer_key%3D0RaXE4T4CuMFJHI1jViEQ
> %26oauth_nonce%3DDGTQVDPXRAYASJJFJLJF%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-
> SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1309954505%26oauth_token
> %3D298006718-8yTikfcuvQ3Xq1ZGuykhkxK2wY0ZAOxcI0jesRxd%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0
> ----------------------------------
> - Build Signature -
> SignKey=ey75K0x7bgyI4BwwG5mn7vLVNQiyphJo9MMT8t6bj0&Syk7tpizLGSo2xvJ9Q8Y1G318eKO8QXvPGWoOpdXWw
> Signature=Q844NOw7T0oq8tNQkdR/6ez6Z8s=
> ----------------------------------
> - Request twit Start -
> postvars=
> url=http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/mentions.xml
> ----------------------------------
> - Socket Before Header Send -
> GET /1/statuses/mentions.xml HTTP/1.0
> Accept: */*
> Referer: http://eden.fm
> User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ICS)
> Host: api.twitter.com
> Authorization: OAuth oauth_nonce="DGTQVDPXRAYASJJFJLJF",
> oauth_callback="oob",
> oauth_token="298006718-8yTikfcuvQ3Xq1ZGuykhkxK2wY0ZAOxcI0jesRxd",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1309954505",
> oauth_consumer_key="0RaXE4T4CuMFJHI1jViEQ",
> oauth_signature="Q844NOw7T0oq8tNQkdR%2F6ez6Z8s%3D",
> oauth_version="1.0"
> ----------------------------------
> - Socket Header End -
> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
> Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:16:11 GMT
> Server: hi
> Status: 401 Unauthorized
> WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="http://api.twitter.com";
> X-Runtime: 0.00899
> Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 152
> Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
> Set-Cookie: k=; path=/; expires=Wed, 13-
> Jul-11 12:16:11 GMT; domain=.twitter.com
> Set-Cookie: guest_id=v1%3A130995457172572573; domain=.twitter.com;
> path=/; expires=Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:16:11 GMT
> Set-Cookie: original_referer=ojItV1ByhTzWh74Jc1NQEw%3D%3D; path=/
> Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7CDoPY3JlYXRlZF9hdGwrCNR9YP8wAToHaWQiJTQzZGVmMTE3YTI5ZjEz
> %250AOGYzZWEwYjlmNTRlM2I3MzA2IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVy
> %250AOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--
> dd24ddb28d1207c2ebf479e57b6f9edb82553bbe; domain=.twitter.com; path=/;
> HttpOnly
> Expires: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:46:11 GMT
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close
> ----------------------------------
> - Request Done Socket DocEnd -
> result=
> status code=401
> headers=HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
> Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:16:11 GMT
> Server: hi
> Status: 401 Unauthorized
> WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="http://api.twitter.com";
> X-Runtime: 0.00899
> Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 152
> Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
> Set-Cookie: k=; path=/; expires=Wed, 13-
> Jul-11 12:16:11 GMT; domain=.twitter.com
> Set-Cookie: guest_id=v1%3A130995457172572573; domain=.twitter.com;
> path=/; expires=Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:16:11 GMT
> Set-Cookie: original_referer=ojItV1ByhTzWh74Jc1NQEw%3D%3D; path=/
> Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7CDoPY3JlYXRlZF9hdGwrCNR9YP8wAToHaWQiJTQzZGVmMTE3YTI5ZjEz
> %250AOGYzZWEwYjlmNTRlM2I3MzA2IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVy
> %250AOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--
> dd24ddb28d1207c2ebf479e57b6f9edb82553bbe; domain=.twitter.com; path=/;
> HttpOnly
> Expires: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:46:11 GMT
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close
> ----------------------------------
> result=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <hash>
>  <error>Could not authenticate with OAuth.</error>
>  <request>/1/statuses/mentions.xml</request>
> </hash>
> On Jun 10, 9:23 pm, Tom van der Woerdt <i...@tvdw.eu> wrote:
> > There's a : after oauth_consumer_key while there should be an =. There's
> > also an = (in oauth_signature) which should be URLencoded.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > On 6/10/11 9:15 PM, Paul wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > This is my headers thats being send.
> >
> > > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> > > Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key: "0RaXE4T4CuMFJHI1jViEQ",
> > >   oauth_signature_method="HMAC-
> > >
> SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1307733172",oauth_nonce="F0F2B456BC9606278FB345323D753CEC",oauth_version="1.0",
> > >   oauth_token="291935165-WqP8tSDqJyTewmsabMV7fiS7Y3ahxTXh60LSzFNb",
> > >   oauth_signature="VbTbuDqv+IZZQQoO1CUuvPXYGKo="
> > > Host: api.twitter.com
> > > Accept: text/html, */*
> > > Accept-Encoding: identity
> > > User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
> >
> > > On May 23, 8:22 pm, Arnaud Meunier<arn...@twitter.com>  wrote:
> > >> Hey Paul,
> >
> > >> If you can, I recommend you use header-based OAuth (passing OAuth
> related
> > >> parameters in an Authorization header, instead of the query string).
> > >> Which signature base string are you using? Are you using a library? If
> yes,
> > >> could you share the code you're using? :)
> >
> > >> Arnaud / @rno<http://twitter.com/rno>
> >
> > >> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 11:58 PM, Paul<jpb....@gmail.com>  wrote:
> > >>> Im trying to get mentions using the since_id parameter. If I leave
> out
> > >>> the since_id parameter I get all my mentions, which is correct, but
> as
> > >>> soon as I add the since_id, I get 401, unauthorised. Since Im VERY
> new
> > >>> to the twitter and oAuth API, it might be the way my string is made
> > >>> up, but I need some help please.
> > >>>
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/mentions.json?since_id=1&oauth_cons...{key}&oauth_nonce={key}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_signature={key}&oauth_timestamp=1306132513&oauth_token={key}&oauth_version=1.0
> > >>> Where {key} are the correct values. I've tried adding the since_id at
> > >>> the back but without any luck. From the source code it seems that the
> > >>> signature is created on the base code of :
> > >>>http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/mentions.json?since_id=1and
> > >>> afterwards the rest is added to that string.
> > >>> Any ideas?
> > >>> Thank you
> > >>> --
> > >>> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> https://dev.twitter.com/doc
> > >>> API updates via Twitter:https://twitter.com/twitterapi
> > >>> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> > >>>https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> > >>> Change your membership to this group:
> > >>>https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/twitter-development-talk
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
> API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> Change your membership to this group:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/twitter-development-talk

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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