Is this then the right way?


    FtpClient1.HostName           := HostNameEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.Port               := PortEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.UserName           := UserNameEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.Password           := PasswordEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.HostDirName        := HostDirEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.HostFileName       := HostFileEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.LocalFileName      := LocalFileEdit.Text;
    FtpClient1.Passive            := passivecheck.checked;
    FtpClient1.Binary             := true;
   {FtpClient1.Binary             := binary.checked;}

I know that Indy is easier, but FTPCLI is much better in my tool and more

THX for all Your help. I know that the truth is out there ;)

... hope we find it ...

> Mice Cage wrote:
> > THX for Your reply. The problem is that I tried everything. I used Your
> > FTPTest Sample (Ftptst.dpr). I used Binary and without Binary. Also Sync
> > and Async. Same
> > result.
> I think you haven't read down to the end of Francois' message.
> > call the method TypeSet to send the type you want to the server
> Never mind you are not alone, I guess most FtpCli-beginners think it's
> just setting a property, including myself :)
> Regards,
> Arno Garrels 
> > Now speaking programming, you need to set the Binary property to TRUE or
> > FALSE and call the method
> > TypeSet to send the type you want to the server (translation is done by
> > the server), before you do
> > the actual transfert. By default, FTP protocol specifies a text
> transfert
> > (Binary is FALSE).
> > 
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