The first important thing is: Are you using the very latest ICS version 
downloaded from my website ?

> When users clicks links or post forms in their browsers, sometimes they 
> don't get any answer. By debugging the server I realized that in such a 
> case the OnPostDocument event is never triggered.

Do you have a reproductible case ?
Does it occurs with the sample "WebServ" delivered with ICS ?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christophe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 4:01 AM
Subject: [twsocket] No response problem [THttpServer - TCustomLineWSocket]

> Hi,
> First of all, I'd like to apologize if my question is inapropriate, it 
> is the first time I am using a mailing list (I usually use php based 
> forums for development issues).
> I searched a lot about the following problem, but I still don't have a 
> clue of what's happening:
> I have been developping few applications that use the THttpServer 
> component. I noticed that sometimes (randomly), the server gives no 
> answer to clients.
> When users clicks links or post forms in their browsers, sometimes they 
> don't get any answer. By debugging the server I realized that in such a 
> case the OnPostDocument event is never triggered.
> I checked the call stack at that time, and it seems the problem is in 
> TCustomLineWSocket.TriggerDataAvailable (Unit WSocket). At the beginning 
> of this function there is the following test:
> if (not FLineMode) or (Length(FLineEnd) = 0) or (FSocksState <> socksData)
> then begin
>    Result := inherited TriggerDataAvailable(Error);
>    Exit;
> end;
> I placed breakpoints and I am pretty sure that if FLineMode is false, 
> then there is no problem (the component will continue and send back data 
> to the client).
> If FLineMode is false, the component will stop here (after the Exit), 
> and will never send anything back to the client browsers (they wait, 
> and, after a while, they fail because of a timeout).
> It brings 2 questions:
> - For the same link (GET) or form (POST), why does sometimes FlineMode 
> is true and sometimes false ?
> - How to force FLineMode to be true, or more generally how to solve such 
> a problem. (I tried to do a (Client as THTTPConnection).LineMode:=true 
> in the OnClientConnect event but it doesn't change a thing).
> PS: It is the first time I checked ICS source, so my analysis of the 
> problem is maybe totally wrong.
> PS2: I tested this on two different PCs with WindowsXP (no firewall, no 
> antivirus) on a LAN. I re-downloaded ICS today to be sure, but the 
> problem is still there.
> Thank you,
> Christophe
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