Pete Williams a écrit :
> Outlook Express works and can send external emails. *Also, Phoenix
> (which is an open source application and nothing to do with OE) can
> also send external emails*.
> So this seems to be a problem with ICS. One thing which may/may no be
> significant: our app just sends emails using SMTP. It doesn't read
> them via POP3 like Phoenix.

Three things you should do :
1. using a sniffer (look for Ethereal) check for what is sent through 
the smtp protocol to the Exchange server using Outlook Express. That 
way, you'll be able to see if there're special headers that are sent.

2. Check for the Phoenix source code and see if there's any "workaround" 
when connecting to Microsoft application

3. Do the same as in 1. but using Phoenix. And then compare the 
differences (or not) between 1. and 3. and then do the same with your 
own application.

> The mail server is on a customer site, so we don't have direct access
> to it.

No need. I think this is mainly due to some protocol requirements, not 
smtp or thing like that.

> We are at a loss at the moment. Does anyone have any idea what could
> be causing this?

have you checked if, for sending outgoing mails, user have to be 
registrated/logged to the exchange server, then getting some kind of a 
sessionID that might be used within the mail headers ?

Another thing to do is to use the telnet application and simulate a SMTP 
connection and see what's going on...
(FYI : telnet <ip addr> <port>)


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