-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Kei
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:26 PM
To: ICS support mailing
Subject: Re: [twsocket] OK to Receiving >2GB ?


I think I'm going to accept the reality that... TCP packets are splitted
into arbitrary sizes.. but!!!
How do I know the maximum size possible? What is the maximum size that a
packet can be? I certainly don't want to malloc 100KB for a TCP packet...



Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:

>Hello David,
>>Hi! I'm new to ICS!
>Welcome to the group :)
>>A->>B: msg hello
>>B->>A: msg yo! how's it going?
>Yes that's the way to go. Design a user made proto for what you intend 
>to do.
>>If A is larger than the default buffer size (256 chars) then the A
>>(sender) will warn B in advance
>You can do that, but is not nececary. Also you will maybe have a very 
>mutch allocation / deallocation of memory and you can eventually end up 
>with fragmented memory where you have not a nice large block in it at 
>the moment you need it. But it can work, just think over carefully. A 
>better idea is often to make a receive buffer that grows automatically 
>if (and only if) needed, and then just reuse that buffer over and over 
>again. Then you have some (re)allocation in begin but then stable.
>>TWSocket will automatically split it into packets,
>Winsock will split in packets as large as the MTU (around 1500 bytes).
>Eventually data can (and will if high speed) arrive as 1 large packet 
>but not necacarely.
>>I really want the sender side to send the 1MB file all at once, since 
>>I do the FileWrite() right after Receive()....
>No you cannot. Winsock does not respect packet boundaries, but (see 
>prior paragraph) there are no megabytes TCP packets.
>You have to receive all data chuncks into a buffer, and when you 
>received them all then you save to file (or save every packet direct to 
>disk). There is no problem to know the moment of close the file because 
>you know the length of the data from your protocol.
>Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
>Saturday, October 29, 2005, 11:01, Kei wrote:
>>Hi! I'm new to ICS!
>>I am designing a simple protocol that will be mainly used locally (as 
>>a database server backend) I'm guessing I could send up to 2GB of 
>>stuff without hassle (BLOBs, for example). Right now I'm just 
>>experimenting with the facility for two parties to effectively "talk" 
>>to each other, even with long long messages, and with binary data
>>For example, for sending a message, the command is "msg [text]"
>A->>B: msg hello
>B->>A: msg yo! how's it going?
>>If A is larger than the default buffer size (256 chars) then the A
>>(sender) will warn B in advance, like this: "hey! I'm gonna send you 
>>10000 bytes of text"
>A->>B: longmsg 10000
>B->>A: ready msg
>A->>B: msg blahblahblah...........blah!
>>In this case, B will be notified of the text size, then when
>>OnClientDataAvailable() event comes, it will malloc a bigger buffer, 
>>then Receive(CustomSized_Buffer, SizeHeToldMe). Similarly Im 
>>considering the same mechanism to send binary data. But if the file is 
>larger (>>10KB) then TWSocket will automatically split it into packets,
>>which I don't want it to do:
>A->>B: upload 1048576 picture.jpg
>B->>A: ready upload
>A->>B: 01001010101010.. (10720 bytes)
>A->>B: 11111010101012.. (10720 bytes)
>A->>B: 01001010101010.. (4023 bytes)
>>I really want the sender side to send the 1MB file all at once, since 
>>I do the FileWrite() right after Receive()....
>>Could anybody please help me on this issue?

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