I'm sorry to tell youi your OnDataAvailable event handler is wayy too 
complex and difficult to read.
First, you should use better naming conventions. See the naming used in all 
ICS demos.
For example, I would have named as follow:
TSession => TSessionWSocket or TSessionClientWSocket
ReceiveStr => ReceiveStream

I don't see where you append received data to the end of your buffer.
I don't understand how you know you have received enough data.
Have a look at TTWSChatForm.CliWSocketDataAvailable in TWSChat1.pas source 
file. There is a RcvBuf which is a stically allocated array of char (you can 
make it dynamically allocated) where data is received and the end of what 
has already been received. RcvLen variable keep track of how many bytes have 
been received so far. In that sample we know to have received all data (and 
maybe more) when we find a #10 in the data. This character mark the end of 
message (or end of line if you prefer). Then data is processed. What is 
after #10 is moved in front of buffer and RcvLen is adjusted accordingly.

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----- Original Message ----- 
To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] transmission stress test

> I'm Sorry! I thought the code was too big to attach.. anyway here it is
> My component "TSession" is a descendent from the TWCliSocket.
> WaitStatus is a public property, that states what "state" the class is
> currently at.
> David
> ------------------------
> procedure TSession.MyDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);
> var
>    bytesReceived: integer;
>    response, strReceived: WideString;
>    binReceive: pointer; // the pointer that will receive the buffer and
> passed back to the user
>    chrReceived: array[0..MAX_BUF-1] of WideChar;
>    i: integer;
>    tempPtr: pointer;
> begin
>    with (Sender as TSession) do
>    { note: for WaitSendFile, WaitSendChunk, we do not process them here.
>            they are to be done in ProcessCommand }
>    if(WaitStatus=wsGetChunk)or(WaitStatus=wsGetMsg)then
>            begin
>                { new version; solves the "multiple packet" problem }
>                if(TempBuffer=nil) then
>                begin
>                    consoleOut('Preparing Temp Buffer...');
> {$ENDIF}
>                    GetMem(TempBuffer, TempSize); // first packet
>                    if(not assigned(ReceiveStr)) then ReceiveStr :=
> TMemoryStream.Create;
>                    ReceiveStr.Clear;
>                end;
>                ZeroMemory(TempBuffer, TempSize);
>                bytesReceived := Self.Receive(TempBuffer, ReceiveSize);
>                consoleOut('Received '+inttostr(bytesReceived)+' bytes,
> Remaining '+inttostr(ReceiveSize)+' bytes');
> {$ENDIF}
>                if(bytesReceived>0) then
>                begin
>                     { given that the transfer was a successfull one... }
>                     dec(ReceiveSize, bytesReceived);
>                     ReceiveStr.Write(TempBuffer^, bytesReceived);
>                     { we can test whether we have finally done. }
>                     {
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
>                     if(ReceiveSize<=0) then
>                     begin
>                        consoleOut('All packets finished.');
> {$ENDIF}
>                        { we just finished the last packet }
>                        FreeMem(TempBuffer);
>                        TempBuffer := nil;
>                        if(WaitStatus=wsGetChunk) then
>                        begin
>                            { we can now notify the user about it }
>                            ReceiveStr.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
>                            tempPtr := ReceiveStr.Memory;
>                            if(WideCompareStr(ReceiveHash, '0')<>0) then
>                            begin
>                                { verify checksum }
>                                if( GetMD5(ReceiveStr.Memory,
> ReceiveStr.Size) = ReceiveHash ) then
>                                    TriggerOnChunkDone(tempPtr,
> ReceiveTag, Success) else
>                                    TriggerOnChunkDone(tempPtr,
> ReceiveTag, Fail);
>                            end else
>                                TriggerOnChunkDone(tempPtr, ReceiveTag,
> Success);
>                            WaitStatus := wsNone;
>                        end
>                        else
>                        if(WaitStatus=wsGetMsg) then
>                        begin
>                            consoleOut('Redirecting Text Message...');
> {$ENDIF}
>                            { now we've got the complete string. let's
> put it in ReceiveLine and let
>                              ProcessCommand() handle it }
>                            //DumpStream;
>                            ReceiveStr.position := 0;
>                            GetMem(tempPtr, ReceiveStr.Size);
>                            ZeroMemory(tempPtr, ReceiveStr.Size);
>                            ReceiveStr.ReadBuffer(tempPtr^,
> ReceiveStr.Size);
>                            ReceiveLine := PWideChar(tempPtr);
>                            WaitStatus := wsNone;
>                            FreeMem(tempPtr);
>                            ProcessCommand;
>                        end;
>                        ReceiveStr.Clear;
>                        ReceiveStr.Free;
>                        ReceiveStr := nil;
>                     end;
>                     {
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
> }
>                end else
>                begin
>                    consoleOut('WARNING! Transfer went wrong! Error
> '+inttostr(GetLastError));
>                    { receiveSize is -1 }
>                    { something terrible happened. no more file transfer
> will occur! so we better dispose of what we have }
>                    ReceiveStr.Clear;
>                    ReceiveStr.Free;
>                    ReceiveStr := nil;
>                    WaitStatus := wsNone;
>                    Self.Flush;
>                    SendText('fail');
>                end;
>            end
>    else
>            begin
>                // we got a "normal length" response.
>                //Application.ProcessMessages;
>                ZeroMemory(@chrReceived, sizeof(chrReceived));
>                bytesReceived := Self.Receive(@chrReceived,
> sizeof(chrReceived));
>                ReceiveLine := WideString(chrReceived);
>                bytesReceived := bytesReceived  + 1;
>                consoleOut('(received '+inttostr(bytesReceived)+'
> bytes): '+ ReceiveLine);
>                ProcessCommand;
>            end;
> end; // end procedure
> ------------------------
> Francois PIETTE wrote:
>>>I asked about a method to recognize the "splitted packets" and to join
>>>them upon arrival of the last one. So far my protocol works fine, and
>>This is really the most common task when dealing with TCP transmission. 
>>have such "packet reassembly" in almost all ICS components. TWSocket 
>>has a LineMode that does this reassembly for lines. Lines are not 
>>text line. It is just a convenient name to specify any variable length 
>>with end of data marker.
>>>Please would anybody give me a clue what's going wrong here?
>>How would you receive help when we don't know anything about your code !
>>It is likely that the problem is at the receiving part.
>>Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit http://www.overbyte.be/eng/ssl.html
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Kei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 9:45 AM
>>Subject: [twsocket] transmission stress test
>>>Hi, this is David.
>>>I asked about a method to recognize the "splitted packets" and to join
>>>them upon arrival of the last one. So far my protocol works fine, and
>>>all the data is assembled in an orderly manner. For large texts or
>>>binary data, the clients knows how to handle it as follows:
>>>The "Redirecting Text MEssage" just means, the text buffer is going to
>>>be further processed in a function called "HandleResponse()".
>>>sender side-----------------------------------------
>>>Line    7: out> txt 1561
>>>Line    8: (Written 17 bytes)
>>>Line    9: (received 16 bytes): sendtxt
>>>Line   10: out> sendtxt
>>>Line   11: out> msg AliasName and DriverName a...(too long to display)
>>>recipient side---------------------------------------------
>>>Line   10: (received 18 bytes): txt 1561
>>>Line   11: out> txt 1561
>>>Line   12: out> sendtxt
>>>Line   13: (Written 15 bytes)
>>>Line   14: Preparing Temp Buffer...
>>>Line   15: Received 1460 bytes, Remaining 3123 bytes
>>>Line   16: Received 1460 bytes, Remaining 1663 bytes
>>>Line   17: Received 203 bytes, Remaining 203 bytes
>>>Line   18: All packets finished.
>>>Line   19: Redirecting Text Message...
>>>Line   20: out> msg AliasName and DriverName a...(too long to display)
>>>Line   21: (!!) Command: msg AliasName and DriverName are m...(too long
>>>to display)
>>>The "sendtxt" is a command through which the recipient tells the sender
>>>"hey I'm ready to get the long buffer".
>>>This mechanism works very fine if I enter the command one by one. But
>>>today I wanted to know if the recipient can handle successive "long msg"
>>>requests by one single sender. So I tried a "stress test" to send the
>>>1561 widechar long text on an interval of 10ms, to the recipient. There
>>>are totally 200 requests to be sent consecutively.
>>>Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes .. the following happens
>>>Sender side-----------------------------------------
>>>Line 1720: out> txt 1561
>>>Line 1721: (Written 17 bytes)
>>>Line 1722: Warning! Session is busy!
>>>Line 1723: (received 25 bytes): sendtxt<JUNK>
>>>Line 1724: out> sendtxt<JUNK>
>>>Line 1725: Warning! Session is busy!
>>>Line 1726: Warning! Session is busy!
>>>Line 1727: Warning! Session is busy!
>>> :
>>> :
>>><JUNK> = some strange characters
>>>Recipent side---------------------------------------
>>>Line 4112: (received 18 bytes): txt 1561
>>>Line 4113: out> txt 1561
>>>Line 4114: out> sendtxt
>>>Line 4115: (Written 15 bytes)
>>>Line 4116: Preparing Temp Buffer...
>>>Line 4117: Received -1 bytes, Remaining 3123 bytes
>>>Line 4118: WARNING! Transfer went wrong! Error 0
>>>Line 4119: out> fail
>>>Line 4120: (Written 9 bytes)
>>>Although the recipient sent 15 bytes of command "sendtxt" (line 4114),
>>>the sender receives 25 bytes, with 10 bytes of junk following it.
>>>Supposingly, the recipient should say "fail" to the sender and the
>>>sender shoud receive it. But in this case, since the "sender" is kept
>>>asking for more send (triggered by Timer, where interval=10ms), so there
>>>are many "Warning! Session is busy!" messages appearing (because the
>>>previous send-long-text action is still pending). Although the "fail"
>>>message was sent from the other party, it seems that the "Sender" never
>>>received this message.
>>>Also, out of so many times of test I've  done, the "junk" fter the
>>>"sendtxt" is ALWAYS THE SAME junk. So.. I think there might be some
>>>problem in my code... perhaps is it something to do with multithreading?
>>>This problem only occur when I repeatly do the test. As in above you can
>>>see the line number gets very big because I haven't got a problem from
>>>line0... till now.. but I got to test the protocol under stress..
>>>because it's going to be some sort of "database server."
>>>Please would anybody give me a clue what's going wrong here?
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>>>please goto http://www.elists.org/mailman/listinfo/twsocket
>>>Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be
> -- 
> To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
> please goto http://www.elists.org/mailman/listinfo/twsocket
> Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be 

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