Hello Michael,

You dont need to replicate it. Just leave the Socket where it is. In
your second form you can have a socket that points to the other socket.
Dont drop one on the second form, but just (I called the socket Cli):

SecondForm.Cli := MainForm.Cli;

and then you call all in the Cli of the second form witch points to the
Cli of the mail form.

An object variable is just a pointer to the actual object, so you can as
many pointers to the same object as you wants.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Saturday, January 7, 2006, 00:58, Michael Preslar wrote:

> I have my main form which has a TWSocket.. All is well. Now, I'd like to
> add another form (visibility can be toggled on or off .. and in truth,
> its just a little chat window)..

> I'm thinking that I need to replicate the TWSocket from the main form 
> onto the chat form, so my charform.sendbutton.onclick() can 
> chatform.socket.sendstr(inputbox.text);

> Is this the right way to go? If so, whats the better way to make this work?

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