> But I've set protocol to TCP...

Maybe the DNS server have to query one upper level and don't get answer.
Use a sniffer (see Ethereal on the links page at my website) to confirm no 
answer from DNS server comes in or the answer come but is missed by the 
component (I would be very surprised).

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----- Original Message ----- 
To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] DNSQuery BUG...

> ---- Wiadomość Oryginalna ----
> Do: ICS support mailing <twsocket@elists.org>
> Data: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 21:23:06 +0100
> Temat: Re: [twsocket] DNSQuery BUG...
>> > Ok. I've managed to make my project to check the list of domains
> for
>> > hosts but i've noticed that there is something wrong with
> DNSQuery
>> > component. With some nameservers (like those of my provider)
>> > DNSQuery sometimes doesnt get any answer... and although
> firewall
>> > (and netstat) after some time takes connection as closed,
> DNSQuery
>> > still doesn't start OnRequestDone event...
>> That's perfectly normal since it use UDP protocol which is an
> unreliable
>> protocol by definition. UDP packets are simply dropped when
> congestion occur
>> on the network. No attempt is done to confirm nor retry anything.
> But I've set protocol to TCP...
> -- 
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