but if the file is more than 1 GB, That will cost my
too mush disk free space,I am confuse on this problem,
because I must add Form Field Value information on the
Head of the data and boundary end of data.it will be
work by ContentTypePost="multipart/form-data" mothod

Then you must program a little bit trickier: Create your own TStream derived class. The HTTP component will read data thru this stream interface. In the implementation, you are free to add your form field values and then read the file from disk and then add the end of data.

btw: You name in the mail message is very strange seen from here. I read "Opqrst Ghrst". Probably you use some chinesee character set ? Maybe you should use US-ascii characters instead of unicode.

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----- Original Message ----- From: "Opqrst Ghrst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: 回覆: Re: [twsocket] HTTP POST - SendStream With TMemoryStream

thanks F.P.

I See,
but if the file is more than 1 GB, That will cost my
too mush disk free space,I am confuse on this problem,
because I must add Form Field Value information on the
Head of the data and boundary end of data.it will be
work by ContentTypePost="multipart/form-data" mothod

--- Francois PIETTE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 說:

> when I use Http Post Web to send file,
> if the file is bigger as 100mb.
> because content must has some FormField to post,
> I use MemorrStream write these information and
> FileStream.
> when I load to TMemoryStream it will cause my
> slow to build MemoryStream, can I use other
mothods to
> resolve this problem?

If you use TMemoryStream, then your 100MB of data is
loaded onto RAM which
can be slow. Use another kind of TStream, for
example a TFileStream which
store his data in a disk file instead of RAM.

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