
You already know what was the problem, but I'll answer this one anyway:

>> version of winsock.dll located in your %windir%. If it is 
>> 4.00.950, you've got Winsock 1, Winsock 2 is 4.10.1656 (at 
>> least at my Win95 installation).

> My winsock.dll is version 4.00.1111. If what you say is correct, then my
> version seems to be even older than 1.1.

No, 4.00.950 (4.00.0950, not 4.00.9500) is Winsock 1.0, 4.00.1111 may be
Winsock 1.1. 

Piotr "Hellrayzer" Dalek

Taaaaaaakie auto! >>> http://link.interia.pl/f1910

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