Hello Jack,

I read your mail better now :) No need for Abort. Just Free the
component. Then OnSessionClose will not fire. What will fire is
OnChangeState, so be aware if you do things there like updating GUI or

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Saturday, March 4, 2006, 09:33, Jack wrote:

> My application halts when WSocketServer is freed, not every time
> though. But it happens once in a few times when the application is
> closed. Here's the code snippet:

>   if WSocketServer <> nil then
>   begin
>     WSocketServer.Abort();
>     Log('Server closed');
>     FreeAndNil(WSocketServer);
>     Log('Server freed');
>   end;

> When this happens, the last message I get is 'Server closed' so
> it dies in FreeAndNil(WSocketServer); Log() just add a line in
> a TMemo. They were added after this problem was seen.

> I enabled "Check for frozen main thread" in madexcept and got
> this report:

> main thread ($728):
> 7c90eb94 +0000 ntdll.dll                          KiFastSystemCallRet
> 77d5f3de +0044 user32.dll                         SendMessageA
> 71ab8cc3 +489b WS2_32.dll                         WSACleanup
> 0048cdc4 +0018 Test.exe     WSocket      1789  +2 
> WSocket_Synchronized_WSACleanup
> 0048d5d9 +0035 Test.exe     WSocket      2221 +12 WSocketUnloadWinsock
> 0048e2d7 +007f Test.exe     WSocket      3507 +16 TCustomWSocket.Destroy
> 00493877 +0037 Test.exe     WSocket      6378  +6 TCustomLineWSocket.Destroy
> 00494c0e +0092 Test.exe     WSocketS      278 +15 TCustomWSocketServer.Destroy
> 00402e60 +0008 Test.exe     System                TObject.Free
> 00454be4 +0008 Test.exe     SysUtils              FreeAndNil
> 0049e2ad +0031 Test.exe     fTest         213  +5 TFrmTest.CleanUp
> 0049e148 +004c Test.exe     fTest         133 +15 TFrmTest.FormClose

> disassembling:
> [...]
> 0048cdac 1787   cmp     dword ptr [$4a5a14], 0
> 0048cdb3        jnz     loc_48cdc4
> 0048cdb5 1788   mov     eax, $48cdd4           ; 'WSACleanup'
> 0048cdba        call    +$979 ($48d738)        ; WSocket.WSocketGetProc
> 0048cdbf        mov     [$4a5a14], eax
0048cdc4 1789 >> call    dword ptr [$4a5a14]    ;
0048cdc4 1789 >> WSACleanup (WS2_32.dll)
> 0048cdca 1790   ret

> Anything I'm doing wrong?

> -- 
> Best regards,
> Jack

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