Sorry, exchange {$END} by {$ENDIF}, the beer was too good yesterday 8-(
    bAllSent            : Boolean;
    FReadCount          : Int64;
    FReadCount          : LongInt;
    FPaused             : Boolean; 

And ~ Line 988:

    property AllSent   : Boolean                    read  bAllSent;
    property ReadCount : Int64                      read  FReadCount;
    property ReadCount : LongInt                    read  FReadCount;
    property RcvdCount : LongInt                    read  GetRcvdCount; 

Arno Garrels wrote:
> Delphi wrote:
>> Hello Arno Garrels
>> i get the exception EIntOverflow
>>> in Line 3842 in ..\vcl32\wsocket.pas
> If it is this line "FReadCount := FReadCount + Result;" it's
> clear. FReadCount is just an integer. Instead it should be
> defined as Int64 in newer compilers.
> If CBuilder 4 supports Int64 (D4 supports it for sure) it could
> be changed in WSocket.pas line 786 like this:
>     bAllSent            : Boolean;
>     FReadCount          : Int64;
> {$ELSE}
>     FReadCount          : LongInt;
> {$END}
>     FPaused             : Boolean;
> And ~ Line 988:
>     property AllSent   : Boolean                    read  bAllSent;
>     property ReadCount : Int64                      read  FReadCount;
> {$ELSE}
>     property ReadCount : LongInt                    read  FReadCount;
> {$END}
>     property RcvdCount : LongInt                    read 
> GetRcvdCount; 
> Please try these UNTESTED! changes and post the result, I'm currently
> not sure whether further changes are required.
> Compile your project by Option "Build All" once after the changes.
> ---
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
>> Richard
>> Arno Garrels wrote::
>>> Richard (Delphi) wrote:
>>>> After 2GB the client hang (overflow integer)
>>>> why doesn't work the in64-version of the functions in
>>>> D7 ?
>>> Please post the line number where the exception is being
>>> raised. If you don't run the application in the IDE you can
>>> compile a debug-version using MadExcept
>>> ---
>>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
>> exception EIntOverflow
>>> in Line 3842 in ..\vcl32\wsocket.pas
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