You can use OnDataSent to know when WSocket has sent all its data to Winsock
and you can send some more.  If TCP window goes to 0 as you put it, then
Winsock wont be able to send anymore so you wont get the OnDataSent until it
can.  So, say you have a file to send, send it in blocks of a few KB at a
time.  When you get OnDataSent send the next few KB.  This also avoids
filling WSockets buffers up too much and wasting memory.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of emanuele bizzarri
Sent: 27 June 2006 17:25
To: ICS support mailing
Subject: Re: [twsocket] ZeroWindow

Hi Francois,
yes, it refer to TCP flow control.
During TCP transmission, the receiver sends acknoledge packets  to the  
transmitter specifying the Usable Window Size as amount of data he can 
If Usable Window Size goes to 0 the transmission stops.
In my application, this condition is verified when the receiver is not 
able to process data immediately.
Usable Windows Size is progressively reduced until 0.
I'd like to stop transmission when this event occours.
How can I do to limit transission bitrate if speed is to high?
Emanuele Bizzarri

Francois PIETTE ha scritto:
>> Is it possible to detect TCP ZeroWindow by twsocket in order to stop
>> transmission?
> I don't know what "TCP zero window" is, but I'm almost sure you can't do 
> anything with it using ICS.
> Note that if this refer to TCP flow control, you have nothing to doto stop

> transmission, it is automatically done by winsock.
> --


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