Markus Humm wrote:

>> If authentication is required to issue a command the server should
>> send an error code, typically 530.
> Okay, will pay attention to it. Is there any short overview of the
> FTP-protocols available? Afaik the RFCs are a bit longish I fear.

RFCs are the standards, there's no way around.
>> In order to set transfer mode you must set property BinaryMode to
>> TRUE as well as issue command TypeSet to send the transfer type
>> command to the server. Same when switching back to ascii except
>> property BinaryMode must be set to FALSE before issuing the TypeSet
>> command. 
> Okay, didn't know that. Will try out that typeset command. But why has
> FtpCli a property for transfer mode then anyway?

It's easier having a boolean instead of recalling parameters of
char 'I' and 'A'.

>> Very unlikely, try to upload with FtpTst demo first. If that works
>> the problem should be in your code.
> I've tried that and the very same happens here!

Is the server buggy? Which FTP server are you using?

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> I'll try the mentioned things above (might take some days) and report
> back. 
> Greetings
> Markus
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