I cut off the server, then an error product in RequesDone with ErrCode > 0.
It’s OK. So I’ve made a procedure to analyze the error and I test the
“connected” property and the controlsocket.state property and it says that
the winsock is already connected. In debug mode, it says the same except if
I’m waiting a few seconds. So when I’m seen that, I’ve tried to put some
processmessage but it’s not always OK.
Must I test others property ? or directly ErrCode ? 
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> First of all, Sorry for my english !
It's OK, many subcribers of this list are not perfectly speaking english.
> testing the ftpclient and when I cut off the server connection, the
> requestdone event has ErrCode >0. It's OK. But .connected property
> equal to 
> True and .controlsocket.state equal to TSocketState.wsClosed as I
> have cut 
> of the connection.
That sounds strange. Because in component's procedure 
ControlSocketSessionClosed FConnected is set to FALSE (in the first place),
are you really sure that Connected is TRUE  while CtrlSocket.State is
Arno Garrels



Arnold Fluteaux

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SCJ Informatique


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