> 1. What I set to property Multitreaded? I don't understand it.

This property tells the component it is working within a secondary thread.
See the source code and you'll see it use that property to slightly modify
the way it get and handle messages.

> 3. In all examples I see that I must access HttpCli data with Memory
Stream (ms.LoadFromStream(StringList) - is another method to access received
data without a stream? Directly. Like HttpCli.Get, HttpCli.Body.

No. Use the stream. A document returned by HTTP could be very large. Asking
the component to store it internally would make it both slower and limited
in size. Using a stream (that is just an interface) allow you to select the
best way to handle it. Either with an existing TSream derived class
(TFileStream for disk storage, TMemoryStream for in memory storage,...) or
any derived class you can write (for example to handle the received document
on the fly as IE do).

Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit http://www.overbyte.be/eng/ssl.html
Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

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