Hello Arno,

thanks for your replies!

>> FreeAndNil(a);
> Oh, that's not a good idea, free it in SessionClose event.

Okay, will try this. In the OnSessionClosed of that instance
a, right? Since the listening server socket won't get a session closed 
because he has no longer control about it.

>> The other socket of the server still is in the listening state where
>> I've left it since he was told to listen.
> OK
>> The client will notice it in its own timer because his keepalive
>> requests won't be answered anymore.
>> If the client detects this he
>> starts another timer which tries every second to establish a
>> connection to the same adress.
> If the network cable is not plugged SessionClose event will be triggered
> when you send something. If you detect a timeout call Close and 
> SessionClose will be triggered as well.

DepĆ¼ends on which side the cable is pulled when a switch is in between. 
Only the side where the connection to the switch is lost will be 
notified, the other one has still a good connection: one to the switch!
So that can only be used partially.

>>From SessionClose post a custom message and from the message handler
> reconnect.

That would only work on the client side. But since a timeout thread for 
those keepalive packets is needed anyway he can just wait until that fires.


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