I'm planning on implementing a set of test classes to test multiple servers
speaking various protocols (for example: HTTP, SMTP, and proprietary
protocols.) There are multiple servers of each type. I use some very simple
protocol-aware packets to check if the ports are open and if the servers
are functional. For each type of server, I use multiple (say, 10) async
sockets to connect to the servers to speed up testing.

I'm thinking about two different ways of implement it, both trying to
share as much code as possible.

Design 1. Have socket classes derived from TWSocket, implement the protocol
specific logic in those class, and share a common master class to create
multiple socket instances for each protocol. The master class
(TServerTester) creates different tester sockets based on an argument
in the constructor.

Socket classes have the socket event handlers and do protocol-specific
  THttpTesterSocket = class(TWSocket) // with http event handlers
  TSmtpTesterSocket = class(TWSocket) // with smtp event handlers

  TServerTester = class(TObject) // A common master tester class
     Sockets: TObjectList;

Or, design 2. Have one simple class derived from TWSocket, or just use TWSocket
for socket, no event handled in this class. And have a base Tester class
to create sockets. This class declare socket event handlers for the
sockets it creates. Then derive protocol-specific Tester classes and
override the event handlers:

  TTesterSocket = class(TWSocket) // very simple no event handlers

  TServerTester = class(TObject)  // create and delete sockets for one
    Sockets: TObjectList;          // protocol, dummy event handlers)
  THttpServerTest = class(TServerTester) // with event handler implementation
  TSmtpServerTest = class(TServerTester) // with event handler implementation

I'm not very clear about which is better for this job. I'm open
to other suggestions as well.


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