You should call Shutdown to gracefully close the connection.
If you want to call close, do it using an intermediate custom message.
Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 12:04 AM
Subject: [twsocket] TWSocketThrdServer - Bogus OnDataAvailable triggeredwhen

> Hello:
>     I'm using TWSocketThrdServer and processing
> client data from within the OnDataAvailable event
> handler (client is set to LineMode=True).  I've
> noticed that if the data transaction is completed and
> I call Client.Close from within this event, the event
> is called again with the previous ReceivedStr.
> Here's a sample of the code I am using:
> Procedure TMyServer.HandleDataAvailable(Sender:
> TObject; Error: Word);
> Var
>   DataStr: String;
>   bDone: Boolean;
> Begin
>   If (Error = 0) Then Begin
>     With (Sender As TMyClient) Do Begin
>       DataStr := ReceiveStr;
>       // parse the DataStr and do
>       // whatever needs to be done.
>       // bDone may be set here.
>       If (bDone) Then Begin
>         SendLine('Sayonara.');
>         TMyClient(Sender).Close; // <<-- HERE!
>       End;
>     End;
>   End Else Begin
>     // Handle errors...
>     TMyClient(Sender).Abort;
>   End;
> End;
> When that Close method is called, the event is
> immediately re-entered with the same data.  Am I
> doing something stupid?
>     Thanks,
>     -dZ.
> -- 
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