It looks like HttpTst User-Agent header is triggering
the firewall on the web server. Use another User-Agent string,
it will go through.

> Hey, 
> I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from
> different website, and it all was working for a long time. But now
> it won't download anymore from reouters
> (
> First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the
> ICS own example program "HttpTst (BCB6)" and same problem there. It
> starting the download, but never get any data, only the head, then
> the timeout break the connection. It works fine in firefox or
> explorer, even a program call XMLSpy download it all. Anyone has an
> idea, I don't want to replace ICS with another tools, so I was
> hopping there is a solution. 
> Thanks 
> Satto 

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